If you’re one of those people who have read every book, watched every video, and followed a myriad of different teachers on any or all subjects that interest you, then you are what Eloheim terms “an information gatherer” and this conference call is for you.

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In this call, Veronica and Eloheim talk about the ramifications of being an information gatherer, including how it leads to our favorite familiar sufferings, uncertainty, and being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information we have gathered, which usually leads to not knowing how to use said information before we give up and move on to the next piece or teacher.

These quotes come from the callers’ sharings in reference to information gathering:

It’s “hamster wheel mind manifested.” Kerri

“I was a heavy duty information gatherer.” Miche

“I like to talk myself out of things” Chris — to which Veronica added — “that I already have the answer to.”

“I turned that [information gathering] into my favorite familiar suffering. I never sat still anywhere to gain anything.” Richard

There’s a preprogrammed thing –the survival instinct — that says run away from discomfort and uncertainty, Veronica said, and the only way only way to get to insight is to go through the discomfort to the other side.

Along with the information gathering process, there is also a tendency to use the body to set boundaries instead of using our words or actions because we don’t want to abide in the discomfort of uncertainty. This boundary setting comes out in many different ways through our bodies. Stomach and skin issues for example. Missy Crazy was also referred to in this discussion as a response to setting boundaries far too late in the process. Do you ever find yourself in the Missy Crazy zone?

At the end, Eloheim popped in to talk to the group and had a brief question and answer session with those on the call. During this time, a new tool was created in response to a question about pivoting. Eloheim calls this one the “Shift Your Weight” tool.

60 minute audio recording
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Price: $14.99
