We had an AMAZING Q&A this month! Wow, every question built on the one before to create a powerful theme about hearing the “voice” of authority figures and how to work with that to let the truth of the current version of you make your decisions.

It was wonderful! At the very end, Eloheim and Mary started chatting about Homo spiritus. I decided to use this section of the meeting for the YouTube clip. You can watch the entire session using this link:

January 19 ~ Q&A – Audio/Video ON DEMAND

Price: $6.99

Questions answered:

“This last month, another veil has dropped from my 3rd eye. I have become aware of a mist essence coming from around my heart chakra area. I don’t feel it being pulled from me. I know I am not consciously evoking it. The 1st couple days I was aware of this, I felt the colors pink & white. I got an impression of “you will not go through life wearing rose colored glasses – you will walk through a rose colored mist.” The next day, I felt the color change. I am not into color therapy or attached to any of the colors I’ve felt. Making these comments – I am taking a baby step being witnessed & embracing the shadow energy of “am I crazy.” My question is whether this has anything to do with my emanation? I will be at work during this Q&A and thank you for any insights you’d like to share.”

Really great to connect with you again in the first Q&A this year. Can you look at my energy and give me a direction that would help me to feel a little more focused / purposeful. I have many issues all coming up at the same time. I am able to stay on the step I am on, I am able to deal with each event as a single event and at the same time feel into the bigger picture. There seems to be a need within me to know what my bigger purpose in life is – other then be in this moment and dealing with what is here NOW.

I feel that something is blocked/covered on my spiritual, changes are on my way but I can’t feel or see them clearly. I would be very grateful for anything you can see an tell me about my way.

In the past couple of years I’ve started a new career path. I can’t explain why I felt the need to do so, other than to say that the life of leisure that I was living as a skier and waitress didn’t feel like enough. The original plan was to combine my life of leisure, with a purpose of sharing what I’ve learned in life with others. However, I’m finding myself consumed by my new career, which isn’t exactly what I envisioned doing, and full of overwhelming anxiety because it’s new, and I want to do a good job. Along with that, I don’t have time for playing outdoors like I used to, which leaves me depressed. I feel like I’ve dug myself into a hole because of fears around having a dream that’s unconventional, that I don’t know how to climb out of. My husband, is doing a good job of script holding for me, as I watch him be overwhelmed with school, which he started around the same time I decided to change my own life. Can you sense anything in my energy that I need to overcome to live part of my life in leisure, and part of it with a purpose, which is by the way, less than the typical 40 hours that our nation seems to think is a reasonable amount of time to work in a week. Thanks very much!!!!

My question: I would appreciate if you could read my energy and tell me what are you seeing. Thank you so much and see you soon in Austria again.

I feel that I am waiting for something that I don’t know what it is. And it feels like there is a lack of energy and of not being in the middle of me. What do I need to change? What is the next step?

Can you do a read on me to see what’s going on energetically? Totally low energy. Feeling my heart energy/chakra is low, despite efforts to connect. Feeling the pull from the past as I push through to the new me. Although diminished, I am still feeling waves of panic and sporadic anxiety – related to stress and sometimes related not anything I can consciously figure out. Feels like my body is processing old stuff as it transforms and reinvents. It’s bringing up a lot of fear, survival instinct again and an opportunity to examine where I’ve been mean to myself. I’ve looked at diet, sleep, nervous system/adrenal fatigue/chronic stress, old habits and grief. Seems like this is part of the healing process, but it is still scary and uncomfortable at times. Is this hormonal, past trauma or something new to look at? Would like to experience this in a new way from my soul’s perspective without dragging the past into the present and going into fear?

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