October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Finances, Voting and Elections
In this clip from the beginning of the 10-22-08 meeting, Eloheim speaks about the financial system, voting, and the election. This message include guidance about how to infuse the election process with high vibrational energy.
Be conscious about the fact that you are putting high vibrational energetics behind the check (vote) you are making, don’t miss the chance to infuse that high vibration into your voting process. This is how light workers can help offset some of the folks that are out there that want to use a lower vibrational way to influence the election…..it raises the vibrational level of the whole process which will make it more challenging for….low vibrational influences to take root.
That is your invitation: Bring high vibration to the voting process by simply instilling high vibration in your vote.
Remember, the difference you can make internally, makes a huge difference externally
Eloheim is channeled in Sonoma, CA every Wednesday night.
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