“The real power here is that you have an energetic influence on your surroundings.” Eloheim

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“It’s you, walking down the street, affecting your world in non-physical ways,” says Veronica. What are you advertising to the world with your energetic billboard?

In this call, Veronica and Eloheim discuss the ways we broadcast to the world who we are. Giving us great tips in order to facilitate the awareness of what’s written on our energetic billboard, they note we can then change the message.

Eloheim also introduced a new tool

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, “The Aha Journal” to help our inner information gatherer to integrate ideas and teachings before moving on to new ones. “Let the cake bake,” says Eloheim.

During the Q&A session that followed, four participants asked questions about integration and information gathering, the possibility of buildings having energetic imprints, how a personal energetic is affecting others, and finally, a question reflecting the newer teachings, what happens to an energetic billboard when the no-story state is achieved?

Eloheim ended the session, answering their own question, “Why does this matter?”

Understanding our energetic billboard is imperative for those who have chosen to progress in their spiritual journey. This call is one not to be missed especially for those new to the work.

53 minute audio recording, listen on demand or download to your device

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