Disagree | Eloheim and The Council

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December, 2008

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ELOHEIM: Disagree, without anyone being ‘Wrong’

This clip from the 12-3-08 meeting was in answer to a question I had posed to Eloheim earlier in the day. It came out of a conversation I had with someone who had said, “Obama is a bed wetting liberal.”

I didn’t appreciate the characterization.

The conversation took a loud and passionate turn quickly thereafter.

The result was not high vibrational and not supportive of the best of either one of us. I knew that I didn’t want to have that kind of conversation again, but I didn’t know how to disagree (have my boundaries) with someone without having to make them ‘wrong’.

Eloheim, of course, turned it into a way to learn more about ourselves.

Quotes from the video:

You free yourself to have your own experience when you free others to have theirs. You give yourself permission to have your own experience when you permit others to have theirs.

[Say] I thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify my own beliefs.

Eloheim concludes this clip with a summary of their teachings, Here is the first section of the conclusion.

The whole point of us being here every week is to help you find that inner space that you can continue to develop and enrich and en-soul in order to emanate out the transformational state.


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