October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of November 2008 NOW NOW NOW
This is from the opening of the meeting on 10-29-08. Eloheim covers the energies of November 2008. This talk also gives some very interesting insights on the election. Eloheim refers to Light Workers ‘no longer holding the rope’ and that they are now ‘Spiritual Free Agents’. If you would like further information about this shift that happened back at the end of March 2008, follow this link:
Here are some quotes from the 10-29-08 meeting:
Now is the time for you to do what you came here to do, which is to be high vibrational, conscious, and allow yourself the experience of observing from a neutrally observant place.
Neutral simply means this: that you don’t make a decision about the right or wrong of what you are seeing. You let yourself see it as a learning experience and you say ‘what is this teaching me’. It is ok to set boundaries from the place of neutral observation. What we would advise against is setting boundaries based on emotional reaction.
Go into neutral observation FIRST and then find your way into setting boundaries for yourself. This isn’t the time for celebration, this is a time to integrate your tools so that you can infuse the energetics of your maturing Soul Group with a new concept. Which is right/wrong win/lose don’t exist in our reality. What exists is opportunities to learn and opportunities to bring a higher vibrating consciousness into our culture.
Now is the moment you have been waiting for!
Everything that is being shown to you is being shown to you as an opportunity to grow.
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August, 2008
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Save the Date, Oct 5 Eloheim Channeling at Crystal Bill’s
Please mark your calendars for our next channeling event at Crystal Bill’s beautiful Crystal Showroom in Mill Valley (Marin County), California.
It will be held on Sunday, October 5th from 4-6 pm. Admission is by donation. There will be plenty of time to view and shop Bill’s amazing inventory.
Crystal Bill’s Showroom
407 Ash Street
Mill Valley, CA
(415) 381-6627 (RSVP appreciated)
Cost: by donation
Map Quest Map of this location
Here are some images from our previous events. Including an amazing orb!
July, 2008
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ELOHEIM VIDEO: 7-23-08 A New Look at Lack of Money
7-23-08 part 1 of 2:
Last Wednesday Eloheim deepened the discussion about lack and how lack operates in our lives. The discussion covers how ‘arguing with the now’ energetically aligns you with lack.
I had never made this connection before and this information really shifted my perspective.
I added the very beginning of the meeting to the front of this clip so you can experience how Eloheim comes in. Margy Henderson, Sound Healer, shares intuitive sounds at the beginning and end of each meeting as Eloheim comes in and leaves.
These quotes really stood out for me:
Whenever you argue with (the) Now, you are aligning yourself with lack. Because of habitual response, when you internally experience lack, even unconsciously, the slippery slope you end up at the bottom of is – the lack of money.
The feeling attached with any state is based on judgment and habitual response. Remember, (a) feeling is an option not a mandate. (A) Feeling is indicating a place where you need to make a Spiritual Choice.