May, 2011
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Working For Money & How to Build Your Marriage ~ 4-27-2011
I will say it again, WOW!!
The meeting of April 27, 2011 was very unusual for me. It was powerful for many people, but I want to talk about how unusual it was for me.
First off the Guardians and the Visionaries spoke powerfully about the idea of “Where we put our expanded attention” which was introduced last week. Follow this link for more information.
Then Eloheim came in. I just watched Eloheim’s section and it seems light and fun like it typically is. However, that is not what I experienced channeling it. I felt things in my body I have never felt before. When Eloheim stopped the meeting to set the energy (just before the YouTube video starts), I had a very intense buzzing in my chest. They truly were setting and holding a very specific energy for the information they were going to bring in. They were VERY serious about this. I guess I am going to have to teach them how to make a serious face so everyone knows when they are being this serious!
The day after the meeting was extremely challenging for me. It took 36 hours to feel like myself again. That hasn’t happened in a long time.
Eloheim has asked me to hold off on making further comments about all of this as they want to address it in the next meeting.
Eloheim also talked about how to handle the low-vibrational thoughts we still experience and addressed instantaneous manifestation.
The Girls followed up on Eloheim’s discussion and talked about vibration and multi-tasking.
Fred spoke about the energies of Uranus.
The Warrior continued their story focusing on the energetic jumps we are experiencing and how we can lose ourselves in the rapidity of transformation.
The Matriarch closed the meeting by talking about the changes in our crown chakras.
It’s not WHY is this happening? It’s WOW this is happening!
This subtle shift of language facilitates a huge shift in perspective. Experiences are here to facilitate growth, expansion, and transformation. Nothing happens TO you, it all happens FOR you. You create your reality by choosing your reactions to your experiences.
Shift your perspective to WOW and then allow for your changed perspective to change your life.
eBook – $2.99
For more information, please visit
Eloheim’s first book featuring 22 simple but powerful tools for transforming your life! Also includes Eloheim explaining and defining nearly 100 concepts.
eBook – $3.99 ~ Paperback – $9.99
For more information, please visit
March, 2009
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ELOHEIM: What’s on Your Energetic Billboard? More on Romantic Relationships 3-29-09
About once a quarter we have a Eloheim channeling meeting in Martinez, CA. Yesterday, March 29, 2009, was the day!
For me, Eloheim really hit the ball out of the park with this one!
Are you looking for a romantic partner? Do you know what you are energetically showing to potential partners?
The Martinez meeting was about 85 minutes long. In addition to the conversation about the energetic billboard, they also discussed living from clarity while surrendering our demand for certainty; free will; and many other subjects.
3-29-09 – 85 minutes
-If I have FREE CHOICE, Why am I not using it?
-Eloheim explains the life cycle accumulation of habitual response
-Fear=Survival in the beginning life times with big animals, disease, weather, fight/flight
-Victim=Societal/Religious indoctrination – control of masses
-Neutral Observation allows removal of duality-right/wrong, good/bad
-All possibilities exist in the moment–all boundaries exist in the moment
-Re-Language-i.e. “Problem” carries energy of habitual response triggers-low vibration/victim
-Hamster-wheel mind – distract self- body check, regain the moment
-Certainty is a fallacy-certainty is a fear based state–CLARITY comes with the NOW
-Disneyland is all about riding Space Mountain, not waiting at the exit to be certain
-BILLBOARD-Attracting Others to Participate in Your Life
-Re-Language the energetic words on your “billboard
-Self-Worth is a given
-Eloheim discusses different desirable traits and how these traits are reflected inside and out
-SOUL AGREEMENTS-Karma? or Agreements to give each other lessons? Challenges are interesting
-Free Will Zone- Only you can decide how you internally/externally react in any given circumstance
-Offer an alternative to global fear–emanating a balanced state is the “service” of today
-How do I shift my energy around the “financial times”?—CONVERSATION OPTIONS
-Eating a poisoned apple is the same as allowing negative thoughts to take thought time–do a body check
-Be careful with “turning it over to the angels”–process the triggers–get everything you can from each issue–becoming conscious is the goal–this is surrendering free will opportunities
-Question yourself;wring the life out of each situation
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009