March, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Emotions and the Spiritual Journey ~ 3-25-09
REMINDER: Eloheim will be in Martinez, CA this Sunday the 29th at 4:00pm. Email for details.
I received a request for Eloheim to talk about emotions and how they relate to the Spiritual Journey. This meeting includes a lengthy discussion of romantic relationships including information on living with an unconscious partner.
This meeting is so full of information that Lois took 8 pages of notes!
Here are a few highlights from the first part of the meeting.
Later in the meeting:
The end of the meeting:
3-25-09 – 108 minutes
-How do we trust the emotions we are having?
-What about “sleeping partners”? When romantic love vs. spiritual growth becomes a necessary choice.
-Telling the truth is an act of consciousness-deep lies are embedded in fear.
-All relationships can teach, but what are you wanting to learn?
-Re-learning is only necessary if you choose.
-The choice for consciousness does not need props;-i.e. equipment, place, environment, etc.
-The ultimate act of Free Will is to align your desire for free will with your desire for consciousness;no one can make you and only you can decide to.
-Consciousness has a global effect–hundredth monkey syndrome.
-Spiritual Cleansing-break down the emotion-Why Why Why Why-be willing to see.
-Negative self talk is NEVER allowed.
-People habituate out of boredom;fill your space with neutral observation-body evaluation.
-Define the stimulus of ALL emotions; happy and sad.
-Eloheim talks about who they are-who is present at the meeting.
-We cannot tell you anything until you ask! the gate must be opened by you and your questions.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009