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August, 2008

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ELOHEIM VIDEO: Safety and a Tool for Healing

This powerful two part video is the introduction of a new teaching from Eloheim. The premise they are working from is that almost all triggers are based on us not feeling safe. Our biology interprets “not feeling safe” as physical danger. This is typically an unconscious process. (Examining your triggers to see how they relate to safety can be a very enlightening process – it was for me!)

Eloheim became aware that, although we are frequently triggered, we are rarely in actual physical danger. Our biology is using a great amount of our energy to regularly and unnecessarily put us into the fight-or-flight state.

Eloheim shares how we can get this energy back and how we can transform our experience of safety, triggers, and habitual response.

Part one is primarily the discussion and discovery of the premise. Part two focuses on the tool. It was one long discussion which I had to break in two due to video length restrictions.

Part 1


Part 2


Veronica channels Eloheim in Sonoma County, CA.


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