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September, 2008

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ELOHEIM VIDEO: Energies of September 2008

This clip from the Eloheim Channeling of 8-27-08 begins with a short summary of the August energies and moves into a detailed discussion of the energies of September 2008. The energies of September are focused on setting boundaries and using the sexual energy of the second chakra to rewrite our biology. Eloheim discusses how to experience conscious sexuality with or without a partner. They are very clear that this is not just about sex, but is about a new way to use sexual energy.

The engine of the sexual expression drives the biologic transformation. Instead of you having to make conscious spiritual choice to override your mind’s limiting outlook, when you collaborate with sexual energy, you have an engine pushing your guided transformational process. It is a completely different way of experiencing transformation.


August, 2008

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ELOHEIM: Your Relationship to Sexual Energy and Physicality

This audio clip came from a private session on August 16, 2008. In it, Eloheim speaks clearly, deeply, and bluntly about experiencing a new relationship to physicality and Sexual Energy.

The light workers’ sexual experience is going to be rewritten in the next six to eight months.

(The key) is to go into the sexual experience with the exact same frame of mind you are going into everything else (with). Where am I habitual with this? … Where are you holding a pattern within you that is old?

This is a beautiful opportunity to blow the doors open and to tap into an incredibly powerful force within you that that wants to have expansion…

Here is an invitation to (find) another place where you are habitual and where you have an opportunity to have a completely new experience.

That is another thing to own – I was built for this…I am a Sexual Being by construction!

Having this re imagined experience of sexuality is the fastest way to re-write your biology…the most powerful engine you have for biologic transformation is the sexual energy.

Click on this link below to access the audio file. It will bring up a new page and you will need to click on the link again. It may take a few moments for the file to start playing. Sorry about the multiple steps. I really don’t know why the site works that way!

Eloheim 8-16-08 sexual-energies


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