At the beginning of Eloheim’s section of this meeting, Eloheim explained that we have “plop” meetings and “process” meetings. This is a plop meeting! In it, Eloheim introduces the new subject of Integration. The video is extra long to cover more of this important topic. The entire meeting can be ordered below.

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Guardians: There’s a lot of energy you want to leave behind and not take into 2013. But, going forward, shift your focus on what you DO want. Change your attention. Put your emphasis on the experiences that you want to have. The rest will fall away automatically.

Visionaries: Right now, it is about “seize the day.” The “lay it down and walk away” is an old tool now. Instead of being aware of things in your life that you don’t want, it’s time to focus instead on doing what you most love and treasure – every day. Nobody else can do this for you. You are the one to move towards it. You are the one that decides. You may still need to deal with some “deserving” issues that come up, but continue to allow yourself to experience your favorite things about being human.

Eloheim: We’re having a new start. From here onwards, there is no more thinking or feeling that there is a separation of your personality self and soul; no more thinking that your soul is doing stuff TO you. Start living as the Integrated Self. Your soul IS you and you are the same being. Asking for insight should be an integral part of your day and life now. Don’t face the issues of your life as if you are alone on the journey. The soul needs your personality self, and all that you’ve experienced, or it could not experience earth. This was the plan all along, so let go of the idea that you are not contributing. Have confidence about your part, and realize what an accomplishment it is just to be human. The Soul doesn’t really know how to be human. It doesn’t know what’s best for you; it just knows how to be in fascination. So it is up to your human self to hold the balance and the make human decisions. But how does the Integrated Self navigate in your world? Remember the Frisbee example: Awareness of what is needed arises in the moment. Your Integrated Self, and insight, will feel like a remembering, like an “ah, ha.”

Some clearing may need to happen, but focus on allowing your soul to touch in. Allow more surface area to be available for that connection, partly by asking for insight and partly by experiencing your favorite things. Get rid of an outcome-based life. Say, “I don’t know anything – I’m open to insight”. Pre-conceived notions are often ideas that are outdated; they aren’t “you” today. Your soul will provide a new outlook and a larger perspective, and it may look like a crooked road to you.

Soul interface: think of a funnel, and imagine the funnel getting shorter, and the narrow part getting wider. How do you do this? Again, by doing what you love the most, because that raises your vibration. The Soul is then right there – and there’s more surface area to interact with it. Also, watch when you are tempted to feel that you and your soul are separate; don’t give in to it. Choose and allow for something else to unfold.

As the funnel channel gets wider, and you connect more to your soul, you will evolve physically. There may be some feelings of pressure, some joint issues, cranial stuff, aches, etc. The primary physical changes in the awakening human are the bone marrow (with new, more malleable, cells) and the brain (new neural pathways and synapses). When new things come online for you – healing, instance manifestation, teleportation, or whatever – again, it will be like a remembering, like something you knew or had all along.


Six sessions held in November, 2012

This package includes audio of all six and video of five (Sebastopol sessions are audio only).


Price: $19.99