Eloheim and The Council » Browsing Articles in "Soul"

December, 2006

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Eloheim answers, What is Betrayal?

Betrayal and Trust from July 6, 2005:


So before we can talk about betrayal, we have to talk about trust. And what is trust?

Believing in something.

So you put an understanding in something outside of yourself. You say,

Eloheim meeting: 12-13-06

In this 6 minute clip from the 12-13-06 meeting, Eloheim talks about In-Souling your body, energetic shifts and how to work with them, a new way of being, and encourages us to “look for the opportunities your new vibrational state allows.”


QUOTE OF THE DAY: Viewing yourself as your Soul

Of course there are many beings and creatures that will seem omnipotent to you, because right now you are weaned down to a very, very small percentage of your soul

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Can we regenerate our cells with our mind?

If we are able to manifest objects with our minds, are we also able to regenerate our cells with mind?

Of course

Retribalization – Finding our Soul Group to facilitate Soul growth

In this clip from 10-11-06, Eloheim talks about retribalization. How hooking up with those in our Soul Group faciliates growth and transformation. Reading the definitions listed on the right side of this page before listening to this clip will help make it more clear.




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