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September, 2014

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Survival Instinct – Serving You or Using You? 2014-09-10

Eloheim and The Council channeling of September 10, 2014

The Guardians talked about “the question-less state,” the Visionaries came up with something NEW!, Fred took us on a magic carpet ride meditation (yeah, it was epic!), Eloheim told us about their retreat preparations and how they are weaving your energies together and breaking my neural pathways (LOL), the Warrior was super funny, the Girls were serious, and the Matriarch was lovely.

PLUS: Eloheim explains Fred in a jaw-dropping WOWZA inducing way. Yep, all that and more.

I experienced a LOT of body reactions to this session. I felt a lot of pain in my legs after the session. The following day my arms and chest were very sore and I had a hard time walking or doing anything. I slept most of the day and felt “normal” again on Friday.

We are fully in retreat warm up mode now!!!

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