
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.

These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.

I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.

Morning Message #2014-06 March 5, 2014

What are your first thoughts upon waking? Each morning as you transition from sleep to awake something quite marvelous occurs. You experience something completely different. You can use this to facilitate further transformation.

The sleep state offers you access to different thought patterns and energetics. It opens doorways with you. If, upon waking, you immediately rush into thought patterns pre-programmed by the night before, you miss a chance to integrate the NEW that sleep offered.

We observe that you often reflect upon sleep by evaluating your dream (if you remember) and consider how rested you feel. Yet so much more has happened!

We don’t even have to get esoteric to know this is true. You weigh less, your digestion has been working, etc. It’s tempting to go right to your todo list as soon as you can open your eyes. Let’s see if you can insert something else in that space. Perhaps an exploration of gratitude, a contemplation of the sounds you hear, an awareness of your body from head to toe. Anything that interrupts whatever pattern you have now if that pattern does not include an acknowledgment that things are new each day.

Part of spiritual and personal growth is making sure to take time out to notice that it is happening.

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