This is from Denise. She is currently doing a private session series with Eloheim.

She began the series just before her father died. This email details her journey using Eloheim and The Council’s teachings through the process.

My father died 3 weeks ago. I loved him so much and looked after him for his last four years. Some people wondered how tedious that ‘occupation’ was for me…I wondered how being with someone so clear-minded and fair-minded, as he was, could ever be anything but a joy.

I am in gratitude he was my father. Out of the infinite possibilities of available parents, I was born to be this man’s daughter. If I could have chosen a father, out of every man on Earth, I would have chosen him.

Here’s the weird part…for me at least. I was not at all sad when he died. I WAS in such gratitude for having known him. His death was a positive experience, not a negative one. I mean, he was dead, there was nothing I could do about that. I chose to be in the moment with what that experience was teaching me…it was teaching me joy, not sadness. (Chose your reaction to your experience). Sorry if that bit sounds like I’m lecturing you…it’s more about me explaining me to me.

You can’t have change without change. Awwwwww. But I didn’t like change.

Death is the greatest changer. I am completely changed by this death. I am so much more like my father now. More clear-minded and more fair-minded. I didn’t know this would happen, but it has. I love it. I am changed in a way that I really do feel feet under shoulders. It feels solid (not like concrete though…well… malleable concrete) and each step is done with the clarity that this now-step is moving into a place I absolutely choose to be …the next step…well, I have uncertainty about that step because what’s true now is, I don’t know about the future. That’s the truth, embrace it.

Aha..this is why I love the process I’m going through. ‘What is true now’ doesn’t scare me anymore. Being in the present moment used to do that. I would do anything not to be in it…the past and future was ok, I could cope with that. But NOW….oh shit.

Here’s the thing…if my father was fabulous at one thing it was being totally present with what is true now. That’s how he lived his whole life. I didn’t know anyone else who did that. When things were shitty it was as true for him as when things were the best. He didn’t run away from ‘shitty’ and he didn’t get intoxicated with ‘the best’.

My father, Bev’s, death has been an amazing chance to compare me to me. I am a different person. I thought I would be a basket case after his death. I am not. I am feeling the fullness of me … like being birthed. Everything seems new and of immense interest.

How funny to get the word rebirth from death. My body loves that concept.



Private Session Series

Consistent support as you follow your desire for change.

Break habits!
Stop procrastinating!
Move forward!
See things a new way!

The series includes five sessions:

The first session is 45 minutes total. A 30 minute conversation with Veronica to clarify intention, get back ground information, and set the energy, immediately followed by a 15 minute session with Eloheim.

Then, four additional 15 minute sessions either weekly or bi-monthly (scheduled in advance to facilitate stability in the process and add accountability).

You can bring a topic to the series or ask Eloheim what they feel you should focus on.

head shot$300 for the series including 30 minutes with Veronica and five 15 minute sessions with Eloheim.

Once you pay, I will contact you by email to coordinate the schedule. We can use the telephone or Skype (audio only). The sessions will be recorded and emailed to you.


Price: $500.00