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February, 2007

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Eloheim: 02-21-07 Conversation about creating paid off credit cards

This clip from the 2-21-07 meeting follows the clip I posted earlier about the Law of Attraction. Eloheim continues the explanation of the four different levels from which we create. Eloheim does this by asking for an example of something that we want to attract.

One of the group members offers her situation (wanting to pay off credit card debt) as an example and Eloheim walks through the process with her. Eloheim suggests that her anxiety about her credit card debt is really just a reason not to ‘go for her great nature’. If the credit cards were paid off, then she would have no excuse to hold herself back from reaching out and doing what she feels drawn to do.

This clip is a powerful example of Eloheim’s teaching us to become conscious of the ‘thing’ we are really creating from. The last 90 seconds is especially powerful as Eloheim sums up the conversation.

Eloheim: 02-21-07 Conversation about creating paid off credit cards

Eloheim: 02-21-07 Law of Attraction Question and Answer #1

This clip begins our Question and Answers about the Law of Attraction. Eloheim continues his/their insight on the subject. The focus of this clip is on how do you know what is ‘in your closet’ (what is holding us back from manifesting/attracting what we want) and what we do with what is in our closet. You may want to listen to the 12 minute clip I posted on 02-22-07 where Eloheim explains the Law of Attraction before listening to this clip.

There is a rough edit in this clip because we were interuppted due to a water line break outside of our meeting room.

Eloheim: 02-21-07 Law of Attraction Question and Answer #1

Eloheim answers: 2-21-07 Explaining the Law of Attraction

Last night, I asked Eloheim to speak about the Law of Attraction as presented in the movie The Secret. WOW! Eloheim takes the Law of Attraction and explains how it works, the FOUR LEVELS you use to create, how to work with each level, what happens when you do, and so much more. The folks that attended last night’s meeting found this information so helpful that I wanted to get it posted right away. This is a 12 minute clip so it could take a moment or two to start playing.

After this clip we had a Q&A section discussing the Law of Attraction, so I will have more clips to come.

Eloheim answers: 2-21-07 Explaining the Law of Attraction

02-14-07 I am feeling fear, what do I do?

Last week I experienced a lot of fear triggered by my Core Emotion. Eloheim teaches to get fear, guilt and lack out of our lives to make more room to En-Soul our bodies. Eloheim also teaches us to trust what our body (feelings) tell us. Hmmmmm. I know I don’t want to have fear in my body yet my body is showing me fear. This was very confusing and I spent a great deal of time in that state. I asked Eloheim to help with this and here is a 9 minute, AMAZING, clip that really clarified it for me.

As far as my own Spiritual Path goes, this clip is the most helpful information that Eloheim has provided recently. THANK YOU Eloheim! If anyone would like to volunteer to type up this clip (or even a part of it), that would be wonderful. Here is a section toward the end of the clip that really stood out for me:

When the fear rises, if the guilt rises, if the lack comes up, keeping it where you find it and then looking for the gift it shows you. And if nothing else, the gift can be ‘I see it instead of emote it, I am dealing with it, I am interacting with it, in the body instead of out in my life where I am going to have to go back and say sorry’ (to a lot of people)…..it may feel like a storm within, but being conscious of the storm within leads to spiritual growth.

02-14-07 I am feeling fear, what do I do?

Eloheim answers: How do we call Guidance 911? (Emergency Help)

A regular member of our group recently asked Eloheim about how to call ‘Guidance 911’ to ‘save his bacon’ if he was lost in the woods or facing some sort of an emergency. Eloheim’s answer was, in short, connect to the Soul. But here is the entire answer:

Eloheim answers: How do we call Guidance 911?

Eloheim: 02-07-07 Extended discussion of Free Will

This is a very interesting clip about how Free Will works. It also includes comments about why many lightworkers aren’t ‘rich’. It ends with the comment,

If you are (quote) ‘rich’, you might not experience one of the greatest forms of spiritual work that exists on planet Earth which is manifestation.

Eloheim: 02-07-07 Extended discussion of Free Will

Eloheim: 01-31-07 Explaining the vastness of our Soul and how much we use

This is a fun clip. Eloheim even seemed excited to talk about this subject.

Eloheim explains, for the first time, the vastness of our Soul, how much of it we are actually using, how much we can use, and what would it be like if we did.

Eloheim: 01-31-07 Explaining the vastness of our Soul and how much we use

Eloheim answers: 1-31-07 Why isn’t the entire Soul in the body?

Eloheim has talked many times about In-Souling our bodies in this lifetime. They have explained that the first step to In-Souling our bodies is clearing fear, guilt, and lack from our lives. This clearing allows more ‘room’ for the Soul in the body and opens us up to new abilities, experiences, and transformation. In this clip, Eloheim explains why the entire Soul isn’t in the body to start with.

Eloheim: 01-31-07 Childhood Trauma and not having control

In this clip, Eloheim responds to a question about the things that happen to you as a child and one of the reasons for them.

Eloheim: 01-31-07 Childhood Trauma and not having control

Eloheim: 01-31-07 Exercise for Healing Past Events

This longer clip contains the previously mentioned exercise for healing past events. It starts out with Eloheim talking about the “rippling” your actions and intentions cause in the world. Eloheim then gives us an exercise where we can heal times when ‘we rippled in a way that we are not satisfied with.’

Eloheim: 01-31-07 Exercise for Healing Past Events


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