August 22nd was the first channeling of THE WITNESS. Absolutely amazing, powerful, extraordinary experience. In addition to The Witness, Eloheim “took it back to the beginning” and walked us through the progress we have made, spoke about how we are using the second, third and fourth chakras, and explained how love fits in.

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This 78 minute meeting is filled to the brim with goodies. It’s always fascinating to see how new energies are channeled the very first time. The Witness spoke in a quick, clipped cadence and offered a message of “witnessing” our progress. Eloheim was speechless with awe that The Witness had joined us.

Eloheim hasn’t been this emotionally moved since The Visionaries were first channeled. Afterward, Eloheim was so HAPPY that I finally had to tell them to shut up so I could get some sleep!!!

Last night was the first channeling of THE WITNESS. Absolutely amazing, powerful, extraordinary experience. In addition to The Witness, Eloheim “took it back to the beginning” and walked us through the progress we have made, spoke about how we are using the second, third and fourth chakras, and explained how love fits in. Eloheim hasn’t been this emotionally moved since The Visionaries joined us. Afterward, Eloheim was so HAPPY that I finally had to tell them to shut up so I could get some sleep!!!

Guardians: Can you hear the wind in the trees? Are you in this moment? Let yourself drop into this space. Reinforce those new neural pathways that know that consciousness is an opportunity, and that you CAN remember what it’s like to be a soul. This way of feeling is your natural state. Homo spiritus comes out of a very neutral, receptive place, where everything feels very permeable, very possible, very ripe, rich, ready.

Visionaries: We feel you at the crest of the hill and we want you to go to the other side. You’re on the tip, so don’t give in to fears now. When fears come up, stare them down. When fear gives you biological reactions, take responsibility. Keep the state of openness; abide in any discomfort that comes up. Keep telling fear ‘No, you can’t have me.’
The Witness: (When Eloheim came in, they noticed a different energy. From a few feet below the ceiling upwards they felt something very different and asked the attendees to stay in ‘I am willing.’)

Witness: There was a time before now when now was not possible. You are ready to know the truth of you from a completely new place, and the ability for you to access that truth is going to expand exponentially from this point forward. You have cleared enough static so that infinite possibilities are at your fingertips. Don’t let your minds take over and tell you how it should be. Stay in this moment, and this moment, and this moment. What is true now, I am willing and this is my first choice: these will allow you to access the new realities now available to you. We witness the truth that you are currently experiencing. As the Visionaries said, you have reached a pinnacle. We hope that you will walk forward.

Eloheim: We are at a loss for words. It’s like, ‘Wow, it happened!’ The Witness doesn’t show up unless you draw them here. They are an energy that comes and says, ‘you passed!’ For us, the Council, they are like quality-control entities, who we and other beings run plans by. And they only come through if you’ve hit a milestone.

Fear will probably always be with you as a human, so be conscious of it. When it comes up, acknowledge it. Shine the light of consciousness on it. Call it on the carpet. As you do new things and as you expand, your reaction to the survival instinct is becoming so profoundly important. If you want to keep evolving, you’ve got to keep a finger on the button that say, ‘survival instinct, I don’t agree with you.’ Carve out a space where fears and the mind are quiet.

What did the Witness say? What is true now, I am willing, this is my first choice. Those are the three. If we, the Council, talked of love and light and bunnies and rainbows, you would have no way to deal with the triggers that come up. And if you have no tools to deal with triggers, what you emanate is, ‘I can’t stand it!’. So we come in and say, “trigger, trigger, trigger, trigger – and then give you tools. What this has been about all along is creating the space so that you can ensoul your body. It’s all about ensouling the body.

You are indeed an infinite and immortal soul. You’re also extremely curious. So when we created this free-will zone, you came to our party, which meant living in duality and density and amnesia. And now it’s time to open the space and let more of you in. As the soul comes in, you start to live as new humans. You become loving and empowered. You connect with yourself more, and connect to others without barriers. The love that you have for yourself expands and goes out into the world.

The YouTube is a short clip of Eloheim explaining how the mind, the spirit, and the survival instinct relate.


Audio downloads of the seven meetings held in August, 2012


Price: $11.99