January, 2011
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Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
April, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Change is coming, what change do you want in your life? ~ 4-15-09
The Eloheim Channeling meeting held April 15, 2009 was a continuation of the meeting held on April 8th.
This clip is from the beginning of the meeting. Eloheim summarizes the reason for them asking, “What is your superhero power?”
As we move into Homo Spiritus, things will change. As Eloheim has told us many times,
You can’t have change without change.
Part of the coming change is the experience of new ‘abilities’. Eloheim has dubbed these superhero powers. They explained:
You are putting all this transformational energy into being human.
The result of this transformational journey is that things start to be different in your life.
The invitation we extended last week was, “What do you want to have change?” The way we phrased that is, “What do you want your superhero power to be?” Because a different way of experiencing the human form (ie: flying, breathing under water, extra strong, etc) is what you have referred to as ‘being superhero’ in the past.
We could have come up some much more serious way of describing this, but why would we have done that?
We wanted it to be fun!
The focus is to open us up to ‘coloring with more crayons’ and changing our paradigm to include things that we have never experienced before.
The entire meeting is Eloheim talking with different group members about the superhero power that they were attracted to. The process is fascinating. It becomes really clear that the superhero power you are attracted to has what Eloheim has dubbed, ‘the pit’ attached to it.
Two examples which came up (These are summaries, Eloheim is far more detailed and explains them at length in the full meeting):
Superhero power – invisibility. Why choose invisibility? So that I don’t have to deal with other people. “The Pit” – trying to use invisibility as a coping mechanism for the challenges you feel in being human. Becoming conscious of ‘the pit’ and healing what it reveals removes the barriers between you and the actual experience of the superhero power.
Superhero power – teleportation. Why choose teleportation? So that I can easily travel around. “The Pit” – how does your family react to this new ability? Do you keep it a secret? If not, what if your kids start telling their friends? It is important to be conscious of the environment in which your superhero power operates. Are you choosing teleportation as a coping mechanism so you can ‘get away from it all?’
Personally, I have gone through about 12 superhero powers in this process and still haven’t settled on one that doesn’t feel like it is primarily a coping mechanism! The process is VERY revealing about things I want to avoid or areas that I am still healing. It also shows how far I have come in certain parts of my life as I know that the answer to the question, “why do you want that superhero power?” has evolved considerably.
Remember, superhero powers:
Be cautious that you are not choosing a superhero power that is actually a description of your naturally high vibrational state (perfect health, unconditionally loving, abundant, healed core emotion, etc.)
Superhero powers are something ‘out of the box’ and brand new!
I noticed a typo in the title of the You Tube video. I decided to leave it there! It takes about an hour to fix it and I am not inclined to spend that hour in that way. Having spent YEARS as a perfectionist I am happy to say I can leave it there and it won’t even bug me.
4-15-09 93 minutes
What do you want changed?
What are you afraid of that your powers might solve?
Super-Hero Power Guidelines:
-1) It’s Fun
-2) It sounds good on a t-shirt
-3) You haven’t done it before
Phase Two of Super-Hero Powers: The Fears—The Shadow Side of the Desire-Take a deep breathe about all of this – you go in the pit, you work your way out. No big deal. Take a break. It’s all just helping you to sort out the un-healed parts.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in April 2009
February, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Consciousness and Fear – My Story
Before the meeting of 2-18-09 three interesting things occurred:
1. I forgot to plug in the laptop, so we don’t have video of the first 30 minutes or so. Managing electronics while in an altered state is a tricky proposition!
2. I requested that Eloheim summarize their teachings about fear.
3. I told a story.
The story was about my recent encounter with a police officer. I have been driving for about 26 years and had never been pulled over for a moving violation.
Recently, on my way through the Sonoma Plaza after dropping off some promotional materials for the Well Being Expo I am producing, I was pulled over for running a stop sign.
The experience continues to teach me quite a lot!
The officer was tucked in at a four-way stop keeping an eye out for folks running the sign. I saw the officer and actually thought, “Wow, he is looking for people to pull over for running the stop sign.” When he quickly pulled in behind me I thought, “He must have somewhere to go.” When he put on his red light I thought, “He must need me to get out of his way!”
He didn’t.
By this time my heart was racing and my body felt so strange. I didn’t have a clue what he wanted or why he had pulled me over. I didn’t know what one does in this situation AND, I kept remembering that Eloheim had used the example of getting pulled over as an example of how to deal with fear.
So, I watched my fear as best I could. It was on the brink of being emotionally overwhelming. However, I really knew that this feeling had a lot to do with my core emotion (everyone has one and mine is ‘fear of being kicked out of the tribe’). I kept watching it and tried to also keep my wits about me.
The conversation with the officer seemed to go on forever, but it was probably only a few minutes. He said that I ran the stop sign. I said that I knew the stop sign was there, felt that I had stopped, and that I had seen him watching the intersection so it is unlikely I would have ran a monitored stop sign.
Then he said the first very interesting thing (I am paraphrasing), “it is strange that we could have such different views on the same event.” Ah, I loved that comment! That put me into a more conscious place immediately. I didn’t find it strange at all. I thought that was the bit that made more sense then anything else that was happening!
You see, I was talking on my cell phone while I was driving. It is legal to talk on your cell hands free in California, but I still felt strange about doing it. Plus, I was leaving a message for a friend who I was ‘worried’ about. I WAS IN LOW VIBRATION.
I feel that I attracted the officer’s attention with my low vibrational state. He saw it as running the stop sign. I saw it as being less than fully conscious of what I was doing.
Once I got that big Aha, things shifted somewhat. I could feel the fear voice saying things like, “this is going to cost you money, you are going to have to go to a class, etc.” But, I knew that it wasn’t about money or time, it was about this moment. So, I focused on what what actually happening right now.
I was able to keep money/time fears at a minimum. The overwhelming adrenaline is another story completely though. Wow, the body response in this situation was so intense!
At some point during our conversation, I heard the small voice say, ‘make the request.’ I asked the officer if he could give me a warning. He then said the second most interesting thing of the conversation, he said, ‘How can I give you a warning for something you don’t think you did?’ I LOVED THAT RESPONSE! It was so conscious.
I replied that I would consider this driver’s training 25 years later and I promised to be more conscious about stopping fully at stop signs.
He said, OK, and let me go with a warning.
Whew! Shortly thereafter my cell phone rang. After stopping the car (!) I answered. It was a good friend saying, “My husband just saw you get pulled over on the plaza and I want to make sure you are ok. I am hosting a meeting at my house in five minutes, but I knew I had to call right away!”
Which goes to show:
1. Sonoma is a small town.
2. I have great friends.
3. I didn’t get kicked out of the tribe! (ah, the healing of the core emotion, such a powerful process)
The residual processing of the body’s reaction to this was much more difficult to process than the actual experience. I was in a lot of discomfort for the remainder of the evening. It has taught me so much that I am actually grateful for it now, but WOW was it hard at the time.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009
January, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Defining High Vibration ~ 1-14-09
This clip is from the beginning of the meeting held 1-14-09. In it Eloheim clarifies what they mean by ‘High Vibration” and “High Vibrational Living.”
Here are some quotes from the clip:
It’s not ‘I feel good’ so I am high vibrational or ‘I feel sad’ so I am low vibrational.
Consciousness generates high vibration. Conscious acts raise your vibrational rate. Being in a conscious frame of mind, even if you don’t like what you are experiencing, is the key to being a high vibrational being in this world.
Am I conscious about how I am feeling?
Am I aware of what’s going on in my body right now….am I asking for this moment to show more to me than what the surface level is revealing?
Judgments and triggers from the past shape your current time, shape your current experience.
Take that ‘fresh look’ at what you are experiencing.
There is a deeper layer of revelation available to you, but you are the one who has to use free will to choose to explore it.
Are you asking, ‘what is this teaching me?’
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January 2009

This clip from the 12-17-08 meeting includes Eloheim’s final remarks for 2008 and an introduction for 2009. Eloheim also takes a few moments to express their thanks to the folks that participate in the meetings. I join them in expressing my thanks to you all.
This work and these offerings would not be possible without the contributions of those that come to the meetings and are WILLING to share themselves with the group.
I would also like to express my thanks to those of you who access this information online. I am very grateful for your comments, donations, and general ‘spreading of the word’. It is quite remarkable to see how a post that I create here in my office gets spread across our globe.
If you missed the longer post about the energies of 2009, please visit this link: Energies of 2009
Quote from the clip:
When you make change from a high vibrational perspective, you have change that is high-vibrational!
November, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of December 2008
Wow! Eloheim was ON FIRE and ready to go about three hours before the meeting started. By the time the meeting began they were bursting at the seams. This meeting was very powerful. In it, they focus on: The Energies of Thanksgiving, The Energies of the Holidays, The Energies of December 2008, and The Energies of the year 2009. The entire meeting was 85 minutes and was held on 11-26-08.
There is SO MUCH in this introductory talk that I can’t even begin to find specific sections to quote! It starts off big and gets faster and faster! I can’t imagine trying to shorten this material so I am going to provide two clips to cover the 17 minutes of information.
These clips contain the unedited beginning of the meeting and includes their discussion of the energies for the remainder of 2008. The meeting begins with Barbara playing her didgeridoo and Richard playing his crystal bowl.
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ELOHEIM: The Tipping Point and Your Contribution!
This clip is from the 11-12-08 meeting in Sonoma. Eloheim explains how we are at the tipping point moving into high vibrational living. They clarify how we can each make a contribution toward the increase in vibration of our entire race.
We are talking about the discipline to hold the course, to hold onto the truth of the matter, which is: lower vibrational temptations are constantly presented to you, non-stop, opportunities for fear are constantly presented to you, opportunities to feel like you are in lack are constantly presented to you, those things don’t abate, what does abate is your willingness to engage with them….you are learning not to fall for the trap of low vibration, the trap of habit.
Be disciplined in the energetic you are willing to run….that is the great service you can offer.
As you are at this fulcrum point, you are being invited to be disciplined about your contribution.
…when you spill the orange juice in the kitchen it DOES matter how you react to that, even if you are the only one in the house. It DOES matter. It does matter, because that could be the tipping point! You don’t know. We don’t know. But, the tipping point is there and your contribution not only blesses you on your spiritual journey but it infuses society with a high vibrational energetic which can help with the tipping point.
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Non-commercial, unedited sharing of this message is encouraged and appreciated. Please include the entire message with this paragraph. http://Eloheim.com/ Commercial outlets may contact eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for reprinting permission. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.[/stextbox]
October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of November 2008 NOW NOW NOW
This is from the opening of the meeting on 10-29-08. Eloheim covers the energies of November 2008. This talk also gives some very interesting insights on the election. Eloheim refers to Light Workers ‘no longer holding the rope’ and that they are now ‘Spiritual Free Agents’. If you would like further information about this shift that happened back at the end of March 2008, follow this link:
Here are some quotes from the 10-29-08 meeting:
Now is the time for you to do what you came here to do, which is to be high vibrational, conscious, and allow yourself the experience of observing from a neutrally observant place.
Neutral simply means this: that you don’t make a decision about the right or wrong of what you are seeing. You let yourself see it as a learning experience and you say ‘what is this teaching me’. It is ok to set boundaries from the place of neutral observation. What we would advise against is setting boundaries based on emotional reaction.
Go into neutral observation FIRST and then find your way into setting boundaries for yourself. This isn’t the time for celebration, this is a time to integrate your tools so that you can infuse the energetics of your maturing Soul Group with a new concept. Which is right/wrong win/lose don’t exist in our reality. What exists is opportunities to learn and opportunities to bring a higher vibrating consciousness into our culture.
Now is the moment you have been waiting for!
Everything that is being shown to you is being shown to you as an opportunity to grow.
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Non-commercial, unedited sharing of this message is encouraged and appreciated. Please include the entire message with this paragraph. http://Eloheim.com/ Commercial outlets may contact eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for reprinting permission. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.[/stextbox]

ELOHEIM: Helping the Body adapt to High Vibrational living
This clip is part of the meeting from 10-22-08.
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Non-commercial, unedited sharing of this message is encouraged and appreciated. Please include the entire message with this paragraph. http://Eloheim.com/ Commercial outlets may contact eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for reprinting permission. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.[/stextbox]

ELOHEIM: Finances, Voting and Elections
In this clip from the beginning of the 10-22-08 meeting, Eloheim speaks about the financial system, voting, and the election. This message include guidance about how to infuse the election process with high vibrational energy.
Be conscious about the fact that you are putting high vibrational energetics behind the check (vote) you are making, don’t miss the chance to infuse that high vibration into your voting process. This is how light workers can help offset some of the folks that are out there that want to use a lower vibrational way to influence the election…..it raises the vibrational level of the whole process which will make it more challenging for….low vibrational influences to take root.
That is your invitation: Bring high vibration to the voting process by simply instilling high vibration in your vote.
Remember, the difference you can make internally, makes a huge difference externally
Eloheim is channeled in Sonoma, CA every Wednesday night.
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Non-commercial, unedited sharing of this message is encouraged and appreciated. Please include the entire message with this paragraph. http://Eloheim.com/ Commercial outlets may contact eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for reprinting permission. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.[/stextbox]