We had a great session to close out March. It included teachings from each Council member.

March 26 ~ Sonoma

Price: $6.99

Visionaries: When you try to speculate, project, predict – when you go ‘outside’ to seek certainty to comfort you, when you focus “over there” – all of that leaves you unconscious. Certainty, speculation and “over there” are energy give-aways. If your confusion involves another person, just ask them outright. Don’t speculate. Focus on what’s in your lap. Where you live is on the step you’re on. ENJOY staying within yourself and abiding in “I don’t know.” This is level 6. What does this invite in?

Eloheim: Catch yourself when you speculate. When you encounter people or behaviors that stump you, instead of going into speculation, just say “they’re fixing their fears,” just as you fix your fears. It allows compassion and heals the separation. “It’s all me.”

Be conscious of the difference between real danger and perceived danger and train yourself not to be terrified. You’ve been told to “listen to your body” but what if it’s just triggered with adrenaline? Create a dialogue with your body so that, when you have a reaction, you can decide whether there is real danger or not. When you are in tune with the messages in your body, your emanation can go out into the world. When you are out of tune, it doesn’t. Your old habits will continue to want to steer you into being out of tune. They need attention – choices – until they naturally align towards being IN tune. Abide in the reactions you’ve chosen. Level 4 keeps asking for choices. “I will spend a nanosecond longer in peace” creates a new neural pathway, away from familiar suffering. “This is MY nanosecond; I own it.” The body responds and resonates to the new alignment.

Girls: At the retreat, we should all lay on the grass and look up at the stars. Don’t forget you have a body! It shouldn’t just be about fixing it all the time, but about having fun with it. Enjoy it. When you take care of yourself, take care of all of you. And roll around once in a while! Act like you’re a 3-year old again. It will make you feel alive and re-boot your system. That’s your homework: find ways to act like a 3-year old.

Humor interrupts your old patterns. You are evolving. Find the things that are changing. You make evolution go faster when you choose, choose, choose, choose. Every choice you make is the generation of your evolution. Every new choice mutates your standard habits, lessens stress – and can allow peace, silence, quiet. You are offering an evolved state to your world. Choose for the attributes that you desire. The more often you choose, the more likely you will see results.

You are creating your physical world by your choices. Let yourself feel it. You want to see your inner world physicalized. This is an “equal sign” that is healthy so consciously notice how the physical world is responding to you. It’s a movement. You are headed to a time when just your emanation changes your world.

Matriarch: We see your Ascended selves, but we can still recognize you. We still see your song, melody. You are still YOU as you go through this process. It’s a never-ending expansion of Knowing.

March 26 ~ Sonoma

Price: $6.99