March, 2014

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March, 2014

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Have You Had FUN Today? ~ 2014-03-26

We had a great session to close out March. It included teachings from each Council member.

March 26 ~ Sonoma

Price: $6.99

Visionaries: When you try to speculate, project, predict – when you go ‘outside’ to seek certainty to comfort you, when you focus “over there” – all of that leaves you unconscious. Certainty, speculation and “over there” are energy give-aways. If your confusion involves another person, just ask them outright. Don’t speculate. Focus on what’s in your lap. Where you live is on the step you’re on. ENJOY staying within yourself and abiding in “I don’t know.” This is level 6. What does this invite in?

Eloheim: Catch yourself when you speculate. When you encounter people or behaviors that stump you, instead of going into speculation, just say “they’re fixing their fears,” just as you fix your fears. It allows compassion and heals the separation. “It’s all me.”

Be conscious of the difference between real danger and perceived danger and train yourself not to be terrified. You’ve been told to “listen to your body” but what if it’s just triggered with adrenaline? Create a dialogue with your body so that, when you have a reaction, you can decide whether there is real danger or not. When you are in tune with the messages in your body, your emanation can go out into the world. When you are out of tune, it doesn’t. Your old habits will continue to want to steer you into being out of tune. They need attention – choices – until they naturally align towards being IN tune. Abide in the reactions you’ve chosen. Level 4 keeps asking for choices. “I will spend a nanosecond longer in peace” creates a new neural pathway, away from familiar suffering. “This is MY nanosecond; I own it.” The body responds and resonates to the new alignment. Continue Reading…

Eloheim on Past/Future lives – Alternate Expressions


Alternate expressions is Eloheim’s term for past and future lives. This collection includes 25 individual clips, a total of 2 hours 43 minutes, taken from Eloheim’s Q&A sessions and the Wednesday meetings in Sonoma.

1. Introduction
2. Starting the interaction
3. Summary
4. Volcano Lady
5. Very different alternative expressions
6. Clarifications
7. Evolving the survival instinct
8. Mass causalities, asthma and mining
9. Integration
10. Woman by the camp fire
11. Processing
12. Dealing with bleed-through
13. Grey Beard, part 1
14. Grey Beard, follow up
15. The conscious dying time
16. Healing old wounds
17. Other ways of dealing with bleed through
18. Choosing your reaction to your encounters
19. Understanding your selves
20. Practice being interactive
21. Volcanoes at Pompeii and Atlantis
22. Adding to your resumé
23. Back pain and the new grand-daughter
24. Jumping lifetimes
25. Integration exercise

Listen to the audio ON DEMAND here on our site or download the files to your computer

Price: $14.99

An Astronaut’s Perspective on Fear

Eloheim often talks about maturing our relationship to the survival instinct. In this amazing Ted Talk, astronaut Chris Hadfield shares how NASA trains astronauts to do just that. It really came in handy when he went blind on a space walk. Mr. Hadfield also talks about the relationship between fear, actual danger, and perceived danger. Those following Eloheim will recognize this topic as Eloheim has been speaking about it for some time now. This video left me in tears. It really is beautiful and powerful.

Morning Message #2014-15 March 22, 2014


Morning Message #2014-15 March 22, 2014

Life. You are surrounded by it. The sheer abundance of living things is almost incomprehensible. Yet, it’s always there whether you notice it or not. Let that be an example of the abundance of choices available to you. They are present even if unacknowledged or unexplored. Look out your window and see trees, plants, grass, and dirt yet know that with a closer look or even a tiny bit of magnification you would see bugs, worms, and other creatures. This is a great example of the levels of experience available to you in every moment.

All those different types of life are there for you if you choose to look. All these different levels of experiencing this moment wait for you as well.

Today, seek to see another level of any situation you find yourself in. What more is there? At a minimum, you can always try to see that people are “fixing their fears” in the way that seems right to them.

What else do you find when you look with new eyes?

Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.


Today’s MM was inspired by finally capturing and releasing this tiny mouse. I had to modify the trap using quarters to make it work with such a light mouse!

A New Relationship to Time ~ 2014-03-12

This powerful session included a of discussion about the Levels of Creating. It ended with Eloheim talking about our relationship to time and providing an exercise for us to do. The Q&A was four days later and Eloheim and Mary continued their conversation about time then. Watch the YouTube video for more.

Watch or download the meeting recording.
March 12 ~ Sonoma

Price: $6.99

March 16 ~ Sonoma

Price: $6.99


Guardians: There is a great need of support for where you are right now, what you’re stretching to. You are “stretching” into new potentials.

Visionaries: We see the energy as “tighten down the load” as in a heavily-loaded truck. You need to get out to pull and tighten the ropes – take in that little bit of slack that has built up. You’re doing a very profound thing. One foot is in the old place and one foot is stretching to the new place. Don’t keep one foot planted in the old-certainty place. Lift it off it without losing balance. It’s not easy – it requires effort – but it can be full of ease, grace and satisfaction. Continue Reading…

Morning Message #2014-14 March 20, 2014


Morning Message #2014-14 March 20, 2014

Reflection. In the midst of all this change and transformation, be sure that you are comparing you to you. There are two good reasons for this. The first is that it offers you a chance to acknowledge progress even as you are still in the growth process. The second is that it makes it easier for you to be kind to yourself.

It’s always tempting to compare yourself to another or to some external standard offered by society. This frequently leads to you judging yourself harshly and falling into a being mean to you pattern. Much spiritual development is only perceivable on the inside (at least in the beginning). Comparing you to you may be the only measurable progress anyway!

Be nice to you! Notice your progress using your own standards. Consistency in your conscious choices will lead to your external world noticing your transformation. Even then, compare only you to you.

Step by step you’re blooming. You are moving your train to a new track. Step by step, it’s happening.

Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.


Fred on the Levels, and Easy Isn’t the Point ~ 2014-02-26

This meeting was really two very different meetings in one. The first section was The Guardians, Visionaries and Eloheim discussing the idea that personal growth/spirituality “should be easier.” They put a tremendous amount of energy into explaining their views on this idea. It seemed to really shift the energy because it opened the door for Fred to come in and speak powerfully about his desire to teach us even more about the Levels of Creating and fractal living.

Watch or download the meeting recording.
February 26 ~ Sonoma

Price: $6.99


Guardians: You are still asking, “why isn’t it easier?” Don’t look for easy. Easy give you: “this is not what I expected; this is wrong.” Instead, you can look for ease – which is moving through life without generating static, and being open to creativity and possibility.

Visionaries: When you are in discomfort, don’t say “this should be easy” and go to old familiar-suffering habits. Victim or creator? These are two different paths. Even when things go well, don’t rest in worry. Instead, rest in neutrally observing your surroundings, be fascinated by what you find, staying out of outcome, and staying in the new non-adrenaline feeling. The two paths feel very different. Don’t jump between them.

This “easy” idea usually has to do with life stuff, human stuff. At times, you can feel that living should be easier because you can feel overwhelmed, can feel like a victim. This is why we’ve given you tools. Break it down into smaller steps. Short factual statements. See where you can move things; find the movable piece. Continue Reading…

Morning Message #2014-12 March 18, 2014


Morning Message #2014-12 March 18, 2014

Choosing to have a new experience of the moment requires that you catch yourself when defaulting to habit. The inherent challenge in this is that habit operates so quietly.

Imagine a train moving slowly on its tracks. Picture it in a train yard where there are lots of other trains and many different tracks. Trains are big and heavy. Your habits run deep and are persistent. They feel so energetically similar to us.

The way you move a train from one track to another is by changing the shape of the track it’s on. Instead of the track running straight ahead you throw the switch and the track curves to the side and the entire train moves in a new direction.

It may take awhile (depending on speed and length of the train) for the entirety of the string of cars to be headed on the new trajectory, yet it will happen.

Let the change in rail shape represent your choosing a new reaction to your experience in this moment. You can see that if you are not consistent in holding this new position, it’s going to be difficult to get your full train (your whole life) to experience the new outlook. If the switch isn’t held steady, it is likely to send very mixed message to the rest of the cars in the train. Also the cars at the end don’t experience the new trajectory as soon as the cars in the front. It takes time for the entire train to get on the new track.

Give yourself time to see how your internal choices affect your external world. Habits can feel so immovable, so impossible to shift. Consistency and patience are key. It also take a choice and patience to redirect a massive train. Yet it happens all the time! Catch yourself defaulting to habit, “throw the switch” by observing yourself consciously, and hold steady while your life adjusts to your new stance.

Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.


A Chat on Business, The Soul, and More!

After the animals talk, Eloheim was super chatty. Here is the recording of that chat.

Information about connecting with clients, bringing in more soul, thoughts on easy, and more!
Continue Reading…

Two Morning Messages


Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.

These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.

I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.

Morning Message #2014-10 March 12, 2014

The pattern of choosing a new reaction to an experience, feeling the pull of habit, and recommitting to the new reaction can feel never-ending. It can feel as if you are stuck or even moving backward on your spiritual journey

This is not the case. Each and every choice you make for a non-habitual reaction to an experience forges new neural pathways. This makes it easier to make further non-habitual choices. It really does.

There is a challenging point in the process. That’s when it feels like you must choose every single thought as without your intervention they’re all habits! Habits that you’ve decided no longer serve you. Habits everywhere.

However, there are more and more moments when you experience neutral observation automatically, when you compare you to you rather than some arbitrary external standard, where you find yourself fascinated with the now moment rather than allowing the survival instinct to run the show and drag you off to the past or future.

Those moments are there. Be sure to notice them. Be sure to acknowledge that the choosing has not only given you new neural pathways but you are actually using them.

Opportunities will arise for you to make new pathways (by choosing your reactions) and to use new pathways. Both of these patterns feel quite new. Allow the uncertainty of the new to be processed as fascination rather than as a danger signal. Explore what is now available to you. Continue Reading…



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