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April, 2007

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Eloheim: 04-11-07 Training your mind, Creating Healthy Habits

This clip continues the post from yesterday. Eloheim explains how they are helping us to train our minds toward Healthy Habits. Eloheim references The Karate Kid movie and the Bewitched TV show to make their points. 🙂 The clip also contains more information about instantaneous manifestation.

Eloheim: 04-11-07 Training your mind, Creating Healthy Habits

Eloheim: 04-11-07 A choice about how you handle Thinking

In our last meeting, Eloheim discussed the two parts of the mind. It was in response to a question about teleportation, but it expanded far beyond that question to include instaneous manifestation and more. Eloheim explains that this information about where you are putting your thinking, is the “next step” on the Spiritual path for those folks that were in the group that night. I would expect that this is true for many of the people reading this as well.

I found this information very powerful. The last few minutes of this clip connect this new concept with Eloheim’s other teachings. This ‘punchline’ (for lack of a better term), is really amazing.

Here are some quotes from the clip:

If the mind become busy, you leave the mind to it busyness.

You don’t overcome the mind, you simply allow it to wear itself out and run itself down …. without attention, the mind cannot continue to plague you.

Your Intention is your Attention focused.

How can I ‘not think’ but still Intend?

Thinking tends to be habitually driven. Intention is made manifest by decision. One is on purpose and the other is by habit.

‘I think therefore I am?’ Actually, you are the decisions about what you think. I direct my thoughts therefore I am. I think just because I breath. You think simply because you are drawing breath.

Ask yourself, What is it that I want? Am I wasting a bunch of mental time trying to fill the space between my ears or am I focused on what I actually want?

Eloheim: 04-11-07 A choice about how you handle Thinking

Eloheim: 04-03-07 When ‘put up and shut up’ Stops Working

Another clip from the meeting of 04-03-07 includes Eloheim sharing about what to do when ‘this doesn’t work for me anymore’ or when ‘put up and shut up’ stops working.

Eloheim: 04-03-07 When put up and shut up Stops Working

Eloheim: 04-03-07 How the new energies of April can show up

We had two Eloheim meetings last week. This is from the first one of April 3rd. This continues Eloheim’s comments about the new energies of April, how they show up and what you can do with them. Folks in the group were having a hard time and this seemed to really help!

This clip also includes insight on how it is determined what information Eloheim is permitted to give us.

Eloheim: 04-03-07 How the new energies of April can show up

Eloheim: 03-28-07 The Energy of April – Set Your Intention

This clip was the first 8 minutes of the 03-28-07 meeting. Eloheim talks about April and invites us to set our intentions for this powerfully transformative month.

Eloheim: 03-28-07 The Energy of April – Set Your Intention

March, 2007

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Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #6

The next example of a healed core emotion is a group member who’s core emotion is about connection with Source. She knows that she has looked to other people for that connection instead of going to Source

It is important to remember that it is ok to have that with other people, you just don’t want to have it in sort of this ‘junkie’ way. It can’t be the overriding driving force of your life, that connection goes to Source. But you can desire for connection, you are in the human form, you are going to want to be around other people. It’s a natural part of the human experience. Be careful when you are all looking to connect with Source instead of relying on other people that you don’t fall into the trap of I don’t need anybody because I have Source…..For the fulfillment of your core emotion drive, you rely on Source for that. This frees you up to have genuine experiences with other people that aren’t demanding them to behaving in certain ways in order to meet your unmet addiction….Why are you in my life? …. Be really careful that the people in your life are not only in your life just in your life to get your fix but are in your life for other reason. You are in my life because I can tell you the truth, etc.

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #6

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #5

Continuing with clips from the 03-21-07 meeting and the disucssion of healed core emotions.

This next clip is Eloheim discussing a core emotion that centers around having peak experiences. The group member has had success healing this and shares his experiences.

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #5

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #4

Continuing the examples of healed core emotions, we have a clip talking about connection with “the people I have chosen”.

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #4

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #3

Continuing the examples of core emotions, we come to a group member who is triggered by both criticism and praise. Eloheim asks him to consider, “Do I agree?”.

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #3

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #2

In the second example of healed core emotions from the 03-21-07 meeting, Eloheim talks to a group member who’s core emotion is centered around connectedness and finding the perfection that he knows is possible. Here are a couple of quotes from the clip:

Your circumstances are creating the opportunities for you to get to where your dreams are. They are not burdens to be slofed around until you get to your dreams. They are what needs to be in order for your dreams to occur.

If you put it out there that you have certain desires, you have to have room in your system for those desires to have space to come in and that might mean a big clean out of the closet….dealing with the moment, dealing with where you are.

Eloheim: 03-21-07 Examples of Healed Core Emotions #2



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