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May, 2007

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Eloheim: 05-09-07 Feeling Worthy, Description of the Spiritual Path

This clip follows a discussion of the Creating Mind (see previous clips for information on the Creating Mind). The conversation flows into a discussion of self worth. This clip also includes a description of Eloheim’s pathway for Spiritual Growth.

If you don’t think you are worth it, work on that first!

Lack of worth is the deepest habitual pit there is.

Eloheim: 05-09-07 Feeling Worthy, Description of the Spiritual Path

Eloheim: 05-09-07 When an experience turns into a trigger, What do I do?

When an experience becomes a trigger of your Core Emotion or of a Habitual Response, what do you do? Very powerful clip!

When you are thinking ‘I have to stop this’ you are not giving yourself an option. When you can hold and say ‘oh yeah, this is happening’ you can say ‘I want this other thing’. It immediately decreases the amount of energy that is being put into the trigger. Whenever you say ‘I have to stop this’ where is your energy? On ‘this’, the thing you don’t want.

Any judgements that you apply to the trigger feeds it. Stop, pause, do what you can to be still enough to make a new choice rather than continuing to grind away in the habitual response.

Invest your energy into what would you rather be experiencing. The smallest energy you put into judging where you are at deepens the habitual pattern.

Eloheim: 05-09-07 When an experience turns into a trigger, What do I do?

Eloheim: 05-02-07 How Nature can be communication from your Guides

This is a clip from the beginning of the 05-02-07 meeting. Eloheim explains how what ‘catches your attention’ can be your guides communicating with you.

Eloheim: 05-02-07 How Nature can be communication from your Guides

Eloheim: 05-02-07 Energies of May, 2007

Eloheim’s comments on the Energies of May, 2007.

Summary: I can deal with this now. What you are being asked, you can handle now. Maybe that wouldn’t have been true six months ago, but it is true now.

Eloheim: 05-02-07 Energies of May, 2007

Eloheim: 05-01-07 Experiencing the Healed version of the Core Emotion Stability

Here is another clip from our recent Santa Rosa meeting. One of the group member’s Core Emotion is about stability. Eloheim uses this Core Emotion to give a really interesting example of how the healed Core Emotion shows up in your life.

Eloheim: 05-01-07 Experiencing the Healed version of the Core Emotion Stability

Eloheim: 05-01-07 How does the Eloheim know the answers to our questions?

This clip is from our most recent meeting in Santa Rosa, California. Eloheim was asked how they know the answers to our questions. Their answer was very interesting, especially to me! It is always nice to learn more about how this works.

Eloheim: 05-01-07 How does the Eloheim know the answers to our questions?

Eloheim: 04-25-07 What is Channeling?

In this quick clip from the April 25th meeting, Eloheim defines Channeling. We had two great meetings this week and I intend to post more clips early next week.

Eloheim: 04-25-07 What is Channeling?

April, 2007

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Eloheim: 04-25-07 Becoming more Conscious by using the Creating Mind

I decided to continue the audio directly from the clip that I posted yesterday. Typically I would have cut out the first two minutes of this clip. However, I included it this time to allow you to experience how Eloheim builds on each concept to get to the teaching they are conveying.

In this portion of the meeting, Eloheim expands upon the ‘Two Minds’ concept to show that habitual responses cover up items in ‘our closet’. They further explain how using the creating mind leads to clearing of the closet and results in increased consciousness.

This clip also contains an explanation of the concept of societal habitual response.

Eloheim: 04-25-07 Becoming more Conscious by using the Creating Mind

Eloheim: 04-25-07 The Computing Mind & The Creating Mind

This clip from last night’s meeting explains one of Eloheim’s newest concepts: The Computing Mind and The Creating Mind. Tomorrow, I will post the expansion of this concept which followed this clip.

The next rung or two on the ladder of Spritual Growth is to let your mind, your thinking, be CREATING thinking.

Eloheim: 04-28-07 The Computing Mind & The Creating Mind

Eloheim: 04-18-07 Your Inner Olympics AKA Personal Growth

This amazing clip begins with Eloheim responding to a group member’s question about why she had had such a hard day recently.

Eloheim continues the comments to explain how our childhood experiences become assets for us as adults.

They then expand this idea to talk about how we go about experiencing personal growth or as they call it our “Inner Olympics”.

The old way of doing it (personal growth) was to experience challenges. The new way of doing it is to challenge yourself….to look at your core emotion, to look for the gift, to ask why, why, why…

You are only in comparison with you! Can I handle this situation better than I have handled it in the past? Can I look at this in a new light? Can I find the gift here? Can I trust? As compared to five years ago, or five minutes ago, or five seconds ago.

The Spiritual Journey isn’t a competition with anyone other than who you are now as compared to who you were a moment ago and who you will be a moment from now.

The only person to whom you prove who you are is yourself.

Eloheim: 04-18-07 Your Inner Olympics AKA Personal Growth



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