January, 2017
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Eloheim’s 2017 New Year’s Day Message
We started off 2017 with a live Eloheim channeling!
Learn about our 2017 Retreat at Sea https://www.eloheim.com/2017-retreat-at-sea/
Book private sessions with Eloheim https://www.eloheim.com/shopping/meeting-schedule-private-sessions/
Join as a subscriber to hear all of our sessions
Join our Face Book group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectwitheloheim/
December, 2016
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Amazing Summary of Recent Teachings
Day two of our recent retreat was an AMAZING summary of recent teachings!
Don’t miss this one!
Eloheim has spent the last few months teaching us how to get out of overwhelm by bringing new energy systems online.
Additionally, they have been teaching us how to access AHAs on demand by pinging the field of infinite possibilities.
Eloheim used the second day of our recent retreat to do an incredible review and a FANTASTIC expansion of this overall teaching.
I’m offering it as a stand alone purchase.
Don’t miss this! This work has revolutionized my life!!!
148 Minutes
June, 2016
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Feeling the Weight of the World? Conference Call with Eloheim
On the heels of yet another mass shooting, I was feeling like I needed Eloheim to provide their insights on how to be an energetic leader in a world filled with a seemingly never ending news cycle of problems, disasters, pain, and suffering. Eloheim, of course, was amazing.
This 70 minute audio recording includes Eloheim’s powerful opening comments and then Q&A on the subject.
Download the audio or listen on demand right here

Eloheim on THE GAP
Last month, Eloheim began teaching us about the gap.
Ahas are instantaneous.
Decisions take a bit longer.
Ahas and decisions showing up as changes in our physical world take a varying amount of time.
This is the GAP. I’ve made some graphics about this teaching and you can learn more here
March, 2016
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Weekend SALE!
Sale ends Monday
, March 21st!
In this series, we gather questions on specific topics. Eloheim’s answers are available to watch ON DEMAND or by download.
Our sixth session was on Animals. Eloheim answered 24 questions in this 55 minute talk.
View the questions answered on this page.
Our fifth session was on Relationship. Eloheim answered 15 questions in this 49 minute talk.
View the questions on this page
Our fourth session was on the Body. Eloheim answered 20 questions in this 64 minute talk.
View the questions on this page
Our third session was on Guilt and Shame. Eloheim answered 16 questions in this 40 minute talk.
View the questions on this page
Our second session was on Money. Eloheim answered 16 questions in this 58 minute talk.
View the questions and place your order on this page
Our first session was on Fear. We received questions from all over the world and Eloheim answered 21 of them in this 52 minute talk.
View the questions on this page
January, 2016
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Introduction to Eloheim
Break Through to the New You!
Empowered Evolution with Eloheim
Imagine the 10 year-old you trying to do your job
or raise your children.
Feels pretty impossible doesn’t it?
This is very similar to what happens on the energetic level
when you allow habits to dominate your life.
That’s letting an old version of you be in
charge of your current moment.
You have done too much work on yourself to give habits that much power.
These packages are full of paradigm-shifting teachings
that offer fresh insights on every aspect of your life.
Eloheim’s practical tools for conscious living will
empower you to transform your life, and
bring the highest version of you into each interaction.
You are ready!!
The time is NOW!!
Join us for Empowered Evolution!
Join live conference calls
with Veronica
Live support from Veronica as you use
Eloheim’s teachings to change your life!
October, 2015
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Private Sessions with Eloheim!
I’m back from the retreat and ready to jump back into private sessions! Ride the amazing energy we created and get your session(s) with Eloheim on the calendar! I’m continuing my special offer of $50 for 15 minutes or $250 for a Core Emotion session.
Send an email to eloheimchannel at yahoo dot com to secure your spot!
Friday October 23: 11:00, 11:30, Noon, 12:30
Saturday October 24: 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, Noon, or one Core Emotion session
Sunday October 25: 10:30, 11:00, 11:30,
Friday October 30: 11:30, Noon, 12:30
Saturday October 31: 10:00, 11:00, 11:30, Noon,
Sunday November 1: 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, Noon, 12:30 or one Core Emotion session
Continue Reading…
September, 2015
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Eloheim Explains Changes to the Upcoming Meetings
Follow up to the meeting of September 9th. Eloheim explains their vision going forward.
Video player
Be part of our upcoming meetings by joining us as a subscriber.
Eloheim and the Council are teaching Empowered Evolution: offering instruction on discovering an entirely new way of experiencing being human.
Eloheim: We love helping you with your stuff and we love giving you the where it’s going. Not how exactly it’s going to be. Just where it’s going. Because we’re here to unfold the teaching which is an evolution of the potentials of being human. That’s what we’re about. We’re also about helping people not be afraid all the time and helping you connect in your relatinships in new ways and helping you know your truth and all that and we’re happy to do that but don’t ever think this is all we’re about. We’re going places and we hope you come with us. Because we’ve got a plan and it’s just getting started. Just you wait and see. We call it Level 7. It’s all me. That’s Level 7. There’s Level 8, watch it move. There’s Level 9, choiceless choice. If you think you know what that means, don’t think. You have no idea.
To learn more about Levels 1-6, visit this page.
Subscribing means you will never miss a meeting! Your monthly subscription renews automatically on the same day each month, so you can subscribe anytime. Annual plans run for one calendar year from the day they begin. Start anytime! You will get a full 12 months of meetings!
July, 2015
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Camp Out with Eloheim Recordings
Camp Out Weekend
Eloheim had us use a brand new format which led to amazing breakthroughs. Be sure to watch the video of the first day as Eloheim worked one on one with each person. On the second day, the camera panned around the room as each person contributed to the conversation. The third day was a Round Table type conversation with the camera on Eloheim. Over SEVEN hours of channeling.
There were all sorts of kids in attendance and they played together as if they had known each other their entire lives. Scroll to the bottom to see photos!!
Your purchase includes the audio and the video files. Watch/listen right here on my site or download to your device.
Not sure why the photos show in reverse chronological order…. Enjoy!
Continue Reading…
April, 2015
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FREE 90 Minute Eloheim Channeling
On April 15, 2015 we held a Round Table conversation with Eloheim reviewing tools and teachings Eloheim has given us over the last 12 years!
You can watch the video of this event below.
The specific ideas discussed were chosen by folks that have been following the teachings for some time; these are the core concepts that have helped them evolve their experience of being human as well as bring more peace and healing to their lives.
This is a wonderful introduction for those new to the Eloheim teachings. If you would like further “newcomer” information, please visit this page. The tools Eloheim mentions can be explored more fully in our The Choice for Consciousness: Tools for Conscious Living book series. Click here for more details.
The videos are FREE to watch. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so using this link.
Choose your amount
April 15, 2015, 11:30am – Round Table conversation with Eloheim
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If you would like further “newcomer” information, please visit this page. The tools Eloheim mentions can be explored more fully in our The Choice for Consciousness: Tools for Conscious Living book series. Click here for more details.