Our November Q&A with Eloheim began with me feeling VERY emotional. The exploration of uncertainty I had been doing came to an overwhelming head and left me in tears of confusion. It was extremely powerful to speak to the group about my feelings and then to further examine what was going on by writing and talking about it. It was only 11 days ago, yet feels more like several years.
The Q&A included questions from all over the world asking a very similar thing: “What do you see going on with me?” The variety of answers and support offered by Eloheim was incredible as usual.
Download and/or watch the session on demand
Questions Answered:
Please could you look to see where I need your support? Where am I weakest, in other words where do i need to focus as a Homo spiritus “right now” to keep moving forward without causing static? Major changes are happening based around me moving to a rural location with my 15 year old son very soon…
Could you look at my energy and give me any guidance that you think appropriate.
How am I doing with moving forward? I’m honoring myself by speaking up and being honest with my boyfriend and job. I changed agencies for real estate, that offer support, training, tools and great leadership. I question myself about is it my plan all along, am I emanating my true energies and desires and not just what someone has suggested to me who can read my aura? Thank you and I appreciate what you teach me.
Now that I have moved from the place where my parents had lived and where I resided after their departure. I have been unraveling everything so I may be in harmony and balance for myself Will you please check in to see how I am from your vantage & provide perhaps new perspective. Any recommendations you may have for me at this time are most welcome.
I have been using the notebook tool a lot lately and I would love hear an in depth refresh on the process from you. This will also help me with the notebook tool project I am working with Veronica on. Thank you
I hate to be redundant, but I too want to ask Eloheim to please connect with me and tell me what they feel I most need to be aware of as I move forward in this challenging and amazing time of continuing transition and transformation.
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