February, 2012
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Habit and Free Will, How do they relate? 2-8-2012
The 2-8-2012 session focused on Eloheim using the white board to describe the relationship between habit and free will. They illuminated how this fits into their teachings on the Levels of fractal living.
I wrote this short essay about how this work is moving in my life:
The temptation to victim hood is SO strong. Familiar suffering is painful, yet so easy to choose. The idea that “this trigger is mine” feels difficult because I have to remind myself of it so often, I have to consider it almost constantly; it’s a lot of work.
What other choice is there? Return to feelings of victim hood, failure, despair, and the like? That’s the only option I see. It’s NOT an option….yet it is a place that I have to pull myself back from.
This trigger is mine
This trigger is mine
This trigger is mineWhat do I do with it? Step by step. Do something new with it. Any new even small thing. Choose a different reaction. Take responsibility for the reactions you are having. Choose and choose again and again.
I know I’m breaking not only 43 years of habitual response, but lifetimes of victim hood patterns.
It’s the height of overachieving lightworkerness to think that I should be able to change these responses (to my greatest triggers) overnight and with no effort or consistency.
I’ve been able to access Level 6 on a number of occasions. It’s an interesting place. Wednesday night, the strap on the laptop case came undone and it plummeted to the pavement. I had ZERO trigger. It would either work or not. I was completely in neutral observation about it.
I don’t stay there and here is a hard part. When I go to Level 1 or 2 after even a glimpse of Level 6 or even some time in Level 5……boy am I triggered.
I’ve struggled with feelings of failure in my life. This “not holding the desired level” brings up failure feelings big time.
So, I get triggered, slip out of level whatever, then double down on the trigger by going to “failure.”
This trigger is mine
This trigger is mine
This trigger is mineOh and that other trigger is mine and the trigger that that trigger brings up is mine and then the resulting trigger that those triggers brought up are mine too.
Level 7 is “it’s all me.” The Council has said many times that “we can’t ascend parts of ourselves we don’t love.” Each transformed trigger opens the doorway to Level 7 a little bit more.
Knowing how different Level 6 feels, I can’t being to imagine what Level 7 is like. I’m going to lay the foundation for that experience, one trigger at a time. Step by Step.
Guardians began the meeting by stressing on the importance of our free will’s role in the transformation we desire. They reminded that we came to earth to attempt to ensoul the human form; to be teammates with the soul to co-create our earth experiences.
The Visionaries spoke about the curtains that we need to lift so that we may move beyond limited views and begin to live as the expanded self. They asked us to watch for the unconscious patterns where the curtains are still closed. This is the time to LIVE the TRUTH of ONENESS in the physical form with infinite possibilities to create from.
Eloheim used the white board to explain the difference between FREE WILL and HABITUAL REACTIONS .
Habits are like a continuous flowing river and we, as the personalities, are paddling a canoe on the river. Our freewill is the paddle with which we consciously choose which direction we want to go. In Level 6 (What trigger?), as we live from neutral observation, it’s more like we are on the shore and watch the river flow by. They discussed mastering the river of habit by addressing examples and questions from the group.
The Girls spoke about the importance of self-love in this journey, as it is the main force behind consciousness which helps us to break the habitual responses.
Fred shared his experience of neutral observation of the Universe as it moves for us, exploring how we can experience ourselves in varieties of settings.
The Warrior reminded that it’s our responsibility as personalities to take care of our bodies. We are the owner of the Body and we get to decide how best to assist it in the process.
The Matriarch highlighted that our expertise with the physical body infused with soul’s perspectives and insights on life experiences is the way of balanced Homo spiritus living.
Audio downloads of the six meetings held in February, 2012
May, 2011
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Working For Money & How to Build Your Marriage ~ 4-27-2011
I will say it again, WOW!!
The meeting of April 27, 2011 was very unusual for me. It was powerful for many people, but I want to talk about how unusual it was for me.
First off the Guardians and the Visionaries spoke powerfully about the idea of “Where we put our expanded attention” which was introduced last week. Follow this link for more information. https://eloheim.com/5674/choosing-where-to-put-your-attention-4-20-2011/
Then Eloheim came in. I just watched Eloheim’s section and it seems light and fun like it typically is. However, that is not what I experienced channeling it. I felt things in my body I have never felt before. When Eloheim stopped the meeting to set the energy (just before the YouTube video starts), I had a very intense buzzing in my chest. They truly were setting and holding a very specific energy for the information they were going to bring in. They were VERY serious about this. I guess I am going to have to teach them how to make a serious face so everyone knows when they are being this serious!
The day after the meeting was extremely challenging for me. It took 36 hours to feel like myself again. That hasn’t happened in a long time.
Eloheim has asked me to hold off on making further comments about all of this as they want to address it in the next meeting.
Eloheim also talked about how to handle the low-vibrational thoughts we still experience and addressed instantaneous manifestation.
The Girls followed up on Eloheim’s discussion and talked about vibration and multi-tasking.
Fred spoke about the energies of Uranus.
The Warrior continued their story focusing on the energetic jumps we are experiencing and how we can lose ourselves in the rapidity of transformation.
The Matriarch closed the meeting by talking about the changes in our crown chakras.
It’s not WHY is this happening? It’s WOW this is happening!
This subtle shift of language facilitates a huge shift in perspective. Experiences are here to facilitate growth, expansion, and transformation. Nothing happens TO you, it all happens FOR you. You create your reality by choosing your reactions to your experiences.
Shift your perspective to WOW and then allow for your changed perspective to change your life.
eBook – $2.99
For more information, please visit https://www.eloheim.com/books
Eloheim’s first book featuring 22 simple but powerful tools for transforming your life! Also includes Eloheim explaining and defining nearly 100 concepts.
eBook – $3.99 ~ Paperback – $9.99
For more information, please visit https://www.eloheim.com/books
April, 2011
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Choosing Where to Put Your Attention ~ 4-20-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a great time during our April 20, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians talked about “becoming conscious of things you are not ready to attend to.” They reminded us that we can be aware of things, but not require ourselves to take action. “Am I really ready to interact?” They did not give us a pass to be unconscious of things, just reminded us that we can use our free-will to decide what we want to interact with. The Visionaries continued this idea and tied it to the concept of “going with the flow.”
Eloheim stayed on this theme. Their main talk started with: “If you were a Guru” and went from there. I chose it for the YouTube video this week.
Your awareness will expand and your ability to physically do something will not. What you choose to apply your physical skills toward is your free will and the difference [between the two] is your spiritual challenge. Eloheim
The Girls explained how to use the behavior we observe in others to focus our own spiritual journey.
When you become aware of other people’s journeys ….you are not emanating your truth if you are wondering why “they won’t get it.”
Fred made everyone laugh describing the sports he would want to play. Yes, he tied this into spiritual truths as well. He is amazing.
The Warrior told the story of their first time hunting a dragon and how they learned that “you don’t eat dragon.”
The Matriarch closed the night in her wonderful way.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

What is the opposite of GUILT? What Happens When We Die ~ 4-17-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a wonderful Q&A with Eloheim last Sunday. Eloheim answered 18 questions (listed below). For some time now, I have noticed that many people are searching for: “What is the opposite of guilt?” so I asked Eloheim to address this specifically.
You can download the entire audio recording and/or watch the webcast replay for $1.99. The link is at the bottom of this post.
REMINDER: I will be interviewed and will channel Eloheim on REFLECT RADIO, Thursday, April 21st at 6:00pm Pacific. Listen free by following this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2011/04/22/a-journey-for-you-meet-veronica-torres-eloheim-channel
Questions answered during this session:
Earlier this year I asked about these burning sensations I was getting in my thighs and you told me it was from one of my other lives. A fellow referred to as Grey Beard who had been wounded in a battle and was no unable to care for himself to too proud and ornery to ask help from any of the village members. I tried telling him it was okay to ask for help. I no longer have the burning sensation but now both knees are very stiff and there is pain in the right thigh when I lay down. You told someone at a recent meeting that pains that we have are rarely from a past life. So is this now ascension symptoms or something else? I’m confused. Thank you.
You have mentioned that you sometimes answer not the question asked rather than the one you wish people had asked… Maybe you could answer the question you wish I would ask? I have been working on soothing alternative expressions with relation to traumatic events keeping me from learning Spanish. I say working, it’s been very interesting. Can I have some more clues because I still can’t even force myself to go back to studying, I just can’t.
My Core Emotion session wiped out my question box. While I am in this pause I’d like to create a big bright me. Bigger than I’d previously wished for, so today I’d like to look at a fun alternate expression or two. I’d like to fold them into my today to create this bigger expression. Would you like to play with this imagination with me please?
In February, my intuition led me to ask out a guy I’d been gradually noticing for the last 4 months or so. He accepted, but despite his assurances that he was interested, I found myself crying a number of times as my “hopes were dashed” – he didn’t call when he said he would, didn’t show up or follow through on tentative planes, and we have only officially met up a scant few times over the last 2.5 months. He says it’s just timing and that it’s not personal, and I know he’s been hurt in the past, and my intuition seems to sense he’s telling the truth. Yet I long / “need” physical contact and more demonstration of interest than he’s shown. Again, my intuition says to hang with it, despite “common perception” that such actions mean he’s not interested.
Is this a lesson for me to detach from “needs” or “desires” in a relationship, like someone eagerly seeking me out, calling more frequently, and physical touch? What is the difference between having conscious needs/desires and being needy? How much of what I think I need do I need to let go of?
I was at an event where someone talked about a cathedral of souls. Is there such a thing?
What happens when we die?
What is the opposite of guilt?
I seem to attract low-vibrational people; they seem to flock to me. What do you suggest I can do to attract a higher vibration of people?
I just wanted to check in and see where I might be resistive.
So when I walk down the street I may see ten people IN A ROW that look down at their feet IMMEDIATELY when they see me. I create stuff like this ALL the time… it started years ago. People will cough when I linger on a negative thought for too long. I get snaps, crackles and pops in my ears. This can occur when I’m at the brink of overeating. The walking signal is related to how I feel about my legs. I have baggage about fairly recent physical changes and I even create people literally calling me retarded, stupid, etc. In fact I created the idiot commentary almost non-stop for a few years. I thought those very direct remarks were over but it occurred last night at a party when I was not exactly sober. A person was literally calling me out as if he knew things about me. I end up meeting people who just “know” that I’m stupid, etc. I know that I’m NOT stupid, and that it’s my baggage. Last night’s signal was a clear indicator of how I’ve been mean to myself in the past and the fact that it came through another person was at first alarming, but then quite empowering FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER – I left that environment immediately and felt very happy that it happened. I’ve never been happy to be called stupid before! So that’s cool. But sometimes I have NO idea why these signals are happening. They can come at random. I’ll just get air pops in my ears. Sometimes my mouse cursor just moves itself. I understand the communication on some level, but not entirely. I wonder if these are bleed-throughs.
I just wanted to say that the last time we spoke I was trying to be comfortable with being in uncertainty with a lot of things including job, place to live, money, and my divorce. And I just wanted to say that I am so proud of how well I did and how I stuck with it ….trying to be comfortable with uncertainty and now I have got a fantastic job and am still enjoying my uncertainty with the rest of the things in my life right now and I feel more confident about being in uncertainty because I saw how i opened up this opportunity with my new job. Question: I am still meditating with the intent to channel. Recently I have been receiving thoughts of ideas that are new to me…or new perspectives of things and it almost seems like so much information that I have to write the ideas down. This is very exciting and I think I am channeling the information but I am not sure if it’s just my imagination or not. Can you tell me if it is my imagination or not? Am I working with a spirit such as you are to veronica or am I just opening to different perspectives? Also, do you have any suggestions on how I could tune in more so that I could work up to direct voice channeling…..that as always been a passion that I have wanted to do.
I was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on something for me. Perhaps this is past-life related, but I seem to experience a negative reaction when seeing what Kerri and myself refer to as “strange farm equipment”. These are typically vehicles or tractors with blades or other tools used for farming attached, that when seen instantly send shivers down my spine. Any insight would be appreciated.
I had a job interview this past week. I felt really good about the position, and I felt myself being able to grow spiritually, being fully conscious and my truth. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the job, which I’m not sure why, and wonder if they might come back to me in some way after the fact….or what am I sensing here? Also, I did notice that regardless, I felt a sense of inner peace over it, which surprised me – given the circumstances. How am I doing in creating the right job for me? What suggestions do you have?
I’ve always believed that my body aches and pains are big road signs that I need to change. I also have believed that transformation and ascension relieves all pain. Is ascension the road to a pain free body?
I have body related question. Feeling differently my left and right sides. The right side is strong, the left one is faded. At the point where neck is connecting to a shoulder feels like a hanging balloon. Also, couple of weeks ago started to have a paint in the lumbosacral plexus. Both pain spots feel very stiff. Could you please give me a read on those.
I have a mentor, who has helped me immensely over the last 3-4 years and continues to do so especially regarding the creation of my career and my future. I’m not sure what I “do” with this relationship, but I notice that I really yearn for her approval and her insight. When I read her email correspondence, I often feel like I’m not able to measure up….No matter what she says I often feel that I am just a “client”, even though I know one can love one’s clients. What are you seeing to help me with this?
I have had headaches nearly every day of my life, how can I change this?
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011
January, 2011
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Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
August, 2010
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What Being in the Moment is Actually like ~ 8-18-10
The meeting of August 18, 2010 was one of the most important meetings we have ever held. It started off pretty rough though! I purchased a new camera for broadcasting the webcasts. I was also given a camera. We had trouble getting either to cooperate! It took over an hour, but we finally managed a solution.
Of course the Council decided to use my reactions to all of this as part of their talk! The result was a message that helped me SO much. Continue Reading…
July, 2010
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ELOHEIM: The Gulf Oil Spill and much more ~ 6-27-10
Hello everyone! The monthly Q&A with Eloheim was great. We had a lot of wonderful questions and Eloheim ate grapes! I have included a video of Eloheim talking about the Oil Spill in the Gulf. This video is (by far) the most popular Eloheim video I have ever loaded to YouTube.
Three quick announcements first:
1. We will find out if we advanced to the next round of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest on Tuesday, July 6th2. We are going to have a special event on October 10, 2010 (10/10/10). We have NO details yet other than the monthly webcast for October will be moved to that Sunday and we have room for people to join us. It will be held at our regular meeting room in Sonoma, CA. So, if you want to have some in person Eloheim and The Council fun on a Sunday – October 10th is your chance. More details will be provided as we decide what sounds fascinating.
3. We webcast our weekly meetings on Wednesday nights and our monthly Q&A on the 3rd Sunday. You can find the links to sign up for our webcasts on this page: https://eloheim.com/web-casts/ I will add the July links very soon!
Questions answered during the meeting included:
- What’s really going on with the Gulf oil spill?
- I know Souls exist beyond the Akashic records so where do you teach from – the planes beyond the causal level consciousness?
- I heard in somebody else’s channeling that we offer the maximum amount of help to others just through our energetic expressions and that when we perceive being of help to others that that is only really for us to perceive what we offer. So basically the physical expression of us “helping” others doesn’t add anything more to what we are already energetically expressing. Based on the singular simultaneous experience thingy you talk about that seems to make sense to me but I would like your view of it.
- Is it necessary to let go of what we attracted ‘before’ to let in what we are attracting ‘now’? Is it a choice? or that is the only way it works? Why can’t I have both?
- When you talk about a “Free Will Zone” how does that relate to other places? By your use of the term it implies that there are Non-Free Will Zones so can you expand on what that means or is like?
- I was wondering if you could tell me about one or a few of my most confident (past) lives? What they did, who they were, etc… and what is a good way to integrate them into my life?
- I have been meditating with the intent to channel for about 2 years now (I HAVEN’T CHANNELED YET) and I wanted to know if you could take a look at me energetically and see if there is anything there that you can tell me that I could work on that will aid me in channeling…or if there is anything blocking or hindering my channeling progress…any info will help thank you! I discovered is that I really have a fear of experiencing my reality in an altered way……….any advice on how to not be fearful while in an altered state…..also is this blocking my channeling?
- I feel like a a horrible pet parent because I can’t find out why my dog’s skin itches.
- Does my ego run my free will and please describe the ego and it’s purpose. When I stop operating from my ego and live from soul’s perspective, do I still need or use free will?
6-27-10 ~ JUNE 2010 Q&A with Eloheim ~ 90 minutes
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010
February, 2010
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ELOHEIM: The Matriarch and The Council of Seven 2-3-10
This week’s meeting really started to fill in the picture about how the channeling sessions are going to change to reflect the energies of 2010. The plan is to channel seven (!) different entities/groups which will be called The Council.
Eloheim The Guardians The Visionaries The Girls Fred (has only said one sentence, we know very little about this energy, Eloheim said Fred is the comic relief…) The Matriarch (first appearance this week!) The Warrior Energy (yet to be introduced, Eloheim says that the night they come in will be VERY powerful and they will give us advanced notice.)
Eloheim explained that just as The Visionaries can be considered Eloheim’s guides, The Matriarch can be considered as The Girls’ guide.
I experience them as sitting in a line of big chairs behind and above me. Each of them feel very different as I channel them and they move my body in different ways.
They also talk among themselves and move around during the meeting!
I included Eloheim speaking about service, The Visionaries speaking about preconceived notions, and The Matriarch introducing herself in the video below.
The meeting also included The Girls explaining The Visionaries, The Guardians moving energy, and Eloheim answering questions about service, free will and other subjects. WHEW! A lot went on in 86 minutes!
After the Matriarch finished, Eloheim asked one of the group members to find a chocolate bar I had in my purse and feed it to me. My arms weren’t really working at that point. My hands were, but my arms were not. It is all very new and if I tried to understand it, I am sure I would be confused.
I don’t even bother trying to sort it out with my brain. I just say, “I AM WILLING” and see what comes.
Let go of preconceived notions! The Visionaries
Eloheim: Talked about experiencing our emanation, and experiencing the emanation of others. How we deal with this, with a special focus on not being in service-mentality and not being intrusive.
Visionaries: Advise us to let go of preconceived notions and future projections in order to allow in the expansiveness of our creations.
The Girls: Opened by talking about the Visionaries and the way that we experience their energy. Then they advised us to nurture the newness of the heart and power chakra combination that we are experiencing.
Matriarch: Introduced themselves, and explained that while the Girls hold the energy of the Goddess, they hold the energy of the planet, the Gaia. They explained that they are not Gaia but hold the energy of Gaia.
Note: This was also the first appearance of Fred, but no one knew it for a while. They popped in, said, “There is hope,” and then were gone! They did not make their “official” appearance until June 30th.
Audio recordings of the 4 meetings held in February, 2010
January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Your Love Relationships 1-13-10
Hello everyone!
Well, January 13th was a epic night. It was the largest gathering we have ever had with 35 people present and 23 on the internet. The Guardians did multiple energy treatments which moved many people to tears. Eloheim acted as the master of ceremonies and came in and out several times while facilitating the Guardians, Visionaries and Girls offerings.
The Girls’ message about aligning free will and love (included in the video) really hit home for me.
Quotes from Eloheim:
Embrace the truth of you. It is not when is the truth of me going to show up, it’s I AM the truth of me.
This is 2010, I am the truth of me.
We only have one rule: You do not get to be mean to yourself! Here is how you know if you are being mean to yourself, would you say it to the four year old child of a friend of yours? None of you would say, “You’re fat!” to a four year old.
Quotes from The Girls:
When you align free will and love it gets to be a pretty amazing time.
Relationships are one of the primary places you disuse your free will.
Everything you observe in your partner is YOU generating that behavior.
AUDIO – 01-13-10 – 93 minutes ~ Includes Jon Williams performing his Eloheim inspired song (http://www.tenfoottone.com)
Guardians: What are you ready to let go of? What are you done with? What are you sick of? What has taught it all it can teach you? Let it go now.
Visionaries: We invite you to be met on a soul level tonight. This is the doorway that is open, is for you on a soul level to experience soul-level transformation.
Eloheim: Embrace the truth of you. When I emanate, where is my emanation running up against walls? Where is my emanation not getting to fully express itself? The creative force. We have one rule: You do not get to be mean to yourself, period. Understanding is overrated. Earth changes and your own personal tsunami.
The Girls: Align your willingness with loving yourself. How free will and love interact. Every single thing you observe in your partner is actually you generating that behavior, and vice versa. The wholeness of you experiencing the wholeness of another.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010
July, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Men, Money, and the Spiritual Journey
The Eloheim session of July 22, 2009 covered many topics including:
This meeting was unusual in that a married couple attended. Their conversation with Eloheim centered on their financial situation. The husband explained that he liked his job, but it was not sufficiently providing for his family financially.
Eloheim mentioned that it is quite rare for men with families to come to the group so this was one of the first times they addressed this issue:
You are not only a man if a certain amount of money is coming in through your labors. You are also a man through your ability to emanate high vibrational, conscious choices to your family. That is how you get over being emasculated. Because you stop only baseing yourself as a man on the numbers, the dollars, the bank account. That is a huge transformation.
I am a man based on the authentic me being expressed to my kids and my wife.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in July 2009