Today’s Sharing Sunday is from Mellie RoseTest. I have watched with awe and respect as Mellie has completely transformed her life while learning to walk her truth. Thanks for sharing!

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My journey with the Eloheim teachings began the year I was pregnant with my son. Honestly, I don’t remember how I found them, but I do know that, having been laid off from my corporate job when they found out I was pregnant, I had a LOT of free time on my hands. And being unemployed and pregnant and single, I was kind of depressed. Talk about a crossroads!

While I was pregnant, I took my dogs for walks. A LOT. I went hiking in the woods. A LOT. And I played the E recordings over and over. Something began to click.

That was the year when the Council began to appear, one by one. And I looked forward to each and every recording. The teachings resonated with me. The practicality was refreshing. And I felt like I wasn’t so alone.

A couple years later, I finally had my first core emotion session. From there, I started joining the monthly Q&A calls, then joined the monthly membership plan, began having individual sessions on a somewhat regular basis, and was invited into the Retreat Community. There have been rougher periods where I’ve withdrawn, yet I feel so much comfort knowing that not just V & E, but the COMMUNITY is always there for me. (By the way, I was able to attend my first in-person retreat last year, and I INSTANTLY felt like I’d known these people my entire life! That’s the power of the connection here!)

Veronica and Eloheim have kept me company the entire time. I’ve felt “different” my entire life, had tried so many different healing modalities (even becoming a practitioner myself), had followed the Law of Attraction and every meditation and visualization I could get my hands on. But so many of them were abstract. They didn’t help me move forward in the 3D world.

The TOOLS drew me in. The tools and E’s straightforward, here’s-how-to-use-it-in-your-daily-life approach to progressing forward on my own spiritual journey. Where spirituality is PART of life. Not separate or hidden from it.

With the E teachings, I’ve never felt like I was being asked to follow someone else’s path. My path is my own, and I’ve felt so SEEN and supported along the way. Although I still occasionally slip into victimhood, I credit V & E for the continual prodding to make different CHOICES. To choose a different perspective.

I’m a totally different person now than I was just a year ago – and don’t even recognize who I was 7 years ago when I first found V&E.

Two of the biggest concepts that I refer back to again and again are “Don’t be mean to yourself,” and the concept of being an energetic leader. Giving myself permission to be gentle and not beat myself up for “missteps” as I’m continuing to learn and refine my application of the teachings. And finally becoming confident to step out and set an example. To step out and SHARE what I’ve learned with others. Which is something I’d NEVER have believed I could do. Me? Be an example? Be an inspiration? ME?!?!

Yet in the last year, I began to step out and step up. I created THREE of my own oracle decks, daring to make public my own wisdom and art. I created a COURSE to teach others how to create their own oracle decks, from concept to design and artwork through creating files and self-publishing. Stepping forward as a TEACHER and a LEADER. I’ve begun creating VIDEOS to teach others about intuitive art, to encourage them to play more and be in the moment more and be gentle with themselves more. I’ve created and self-published an adorable and inspirational COLORING BOOK. With V&E and the community by my side, I’ve been stepping out more and more. Daring to be seen.

In the last month, I began a daily email to a small group of women whom I’d selected as my audience. I’ve since begun publishing each email as a blog post. For me, this is the biggest step so far into “energetic leadership.” I’m sharing wisdom, downloadable energetic art, healings, how-to videos… I’m sharing ME. And I’d never have dared to do that without the support of V&E.

Would you like to join me in my journey? Would you like some daily inspiration, like reminders to “Just Be and Shine?”…/37,20…/march-7-just-be-to-shine. Come and play on the “Claim Your Magic” Daily Inspiration Blog as I continue to share what I learn!

And my growing library of intuitive art and logo and oracle deck design courses can be found here: