In this meeting, there was emphasis on the break-open place; being in the moment without preconceived notions, and open to your soul’s insight.

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Guardians: We feel a fierce attention to the moment, a fierce desire for transformation. There’s an “I’m here” energy, which we powerfully see in your lower chakras. It makes a fertile field for growth and change, and there’s so much energetic support for that now. To keep your balance, keep your focus, put your presence in the moment. In the break-open place, you stay in the moment’s experience without duality.

Visionaries: You hold the break-open place by being aware that your survival instinct (mind) will be in conflict with you and so you know how to handle it. It is not in charge of your spiritual journey. You can tell it; “Yes, I hear you, and it’s not interesting to me. Go count the white blood cells, please.” Saying a conscious “no” to habits of thinking helps create the break-open place, and allows it to become more frequent. Don’t define it; keep it open. Just stay open to what it true now, in non-duality and non-adrenaline. Be in “now” without feeling jeopardized or confused. Now – Be – Is. Then allow life to flow into the break-open place. Allow synchronicity and the experience of “ah-ha to ah-ha.”

Eloheim: Discussed the break-open place with the attendees. Noted how it is accessed when you stay in your truth.

The experiences you find in your lap can come from four levels of your being: conscious, unconscious, sub-conscious (childhood, unhealed core emotion) and the soul level. The soul level has agreements and relationship appointments that you are often not conscious of. Your main responsibility is how you react to what has been offered to you – from whatever level your experiences comes. Be in the break-open place as you have your experiences. Be as neutral as possible.

The “following” part of ballroom dancing is a good example of dancing with insight. In following, you don’t need to know where to go next because your partner leads you. Be aware that you can have a positive experience without knowing where you are going, and just be in the moment without control or certainty. The break-open place is a place of discovery and awareness, new in every moment. This open experience can be somewhat fragile at first, so don’t attempt to stay in it. Don’t attempt to grasp it with the mind. You can say “I want to live from this place,” but then let it go. Ask for insight first, even if you think you know the answer. Ask for insight on how to allow things to move and flow. The occasional peak experiences can fuel the raising up of your whole vibration, eventually. But listen to the body while you are in it, as it takes time for the body to adjust. Acknowledge the “wows.” Build up a level of confidence in your ability to affect your world and experience.

What you let in, you will emanate out, so be conscious of what you let in. For things like news, the internet, relationships, food, etc., ask: “Is this giving me something that I want to give to the world?” You are a emanating a collection of experiences, so choose with that in mind.

Pain and illness: You can use the break-open point as a way to be in the now, even if you feel pain. You can say “yes” to the pain if that is your experience in the moment, and then pay lots of attention to it. Actively engage with it in an open way. Don’t resist it. Use short, factual statements: “I have back pain.” “I have a bill I can’t pay.” You can repeat a true statement over and over as long as that is the truth in each moment. Sit in the truth and see where you are tempted to go. Stay out of stories. See what insight comes in.


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