Our monthly Q&A with Eloheim was held on May 20th. We had great questions and Eloheim tied most of the answers to their new teachings on “generating events.”

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Audio downloads of the seven meetings held in May, 2012


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Questions answered during this session:

I recently DECIDED “I choose to experience ascension while in this physical body.” Wow, wow, wow! I feel sooooo much healing and kinesthetic movement and bright colors and light. And dreams. I did not remember my dreams for such a long time. And frequent glimpses of Oneness. I could go on. You get the picture. Did that Conscious Choice kick this off?

One of my dogs has been ill for the past few weeks. He has a weeping and sore right eye, a small growth on his back between his shoulders and his legs seem to buckle beneath him sometimes as if his hips aren’t holding him. Also, he seems quite lethargic and a little jumpy. He’s only 4 and until now has always been very healthy. The vet didn’t seem to think there was anything to worry about when I showed him the eye and the lump. No tests were done. I am concerned it’s much more serious and that it’s something to do with his liver. Please can you check his and my energetics. I can put him on my lap if that helps. If he’s script holding for me, what do I need to transform within myself to have him be fully well again? It’s really painful to watch him suffer.

I gave notice to move out on June 1st. Since then, I have made preferences for a new place and I am abundance journaling regularly. Still, money seems out of reach. It would be nice to not have to make a moving decision at the last minute. It feels discouraging to look for a place under these circumstances. Am I still hanging on to starving artist energy? What do you see within me that is creating this resistance, and what should I be careful of at this time? I don’t know how to change this.

I have been clearing a tremendous amount of stuff over the last few weeks and most of it seems centered around the second chakra, some 3rd and 4th but mostly second. Every time I clear it seems like that’s it but it always comes back. Can you help me get to the core of this thing as I am having a hard time really identifying it? Also, any general directional advice would be welcome.

I have had this sense lately of shadow or heaviness around my 2nd charka (a little to the left) and sometimes feel it tied into my 3rd charka and even more so up into my heart chakra. Can you provide insight to this energy?

I’ve been working on healing my core emotion – saying I am willing, taking responsibility for my creations, catching myself before I go into fear and choosing a different reaction etc. I’m not noticing any change – is there anything you can recommend to shift things? Thanks. PS – weird thing happened after listening to the last recording. The Guardians were talking about getting rid of things like back pain and sciatica. I’ve never had sciatic, but after doing the breathing exercise, woke up the next day with all the symptoms of sciatica . . . WTF???

I’m working on releasing the energetics of lack of sweetness in life. I realize that “I AM the sweetness of life, expressing life as ME.” This is a mantra that keeps coming up for me to say aloud. I was diagnosed with a fluke case of diabetic Type 1 symptoms about 2.5 years ago. I choose not to claim any label of being a “diabetic”, as the world would identify me. I’m ready for the symptoms to be gone and for me to claim brand new functioning of my pancreas and endocrine system. What can you share with me?

It feels that I am not sufficiently recharged to have clarity on changes of habits like teaching a sound therapy class on June 11 in Sedona, Az or on developing documentation to pursue a PhD in Transformative Leadership specializing in Sound Therapies beginning in September in San Francisco. Both feel useful and both feel like they are not the simple spiritual answers I sense are floating around me. I find myself questioning how much these are habitual thoughts that may be interfering with clear answers. Please help me develop tools for interacting clearly with the desires of my soul.

I immigrated to the United Kingdom and I need a proper job but I am afraid of applying to many jobs because of fear of rejection. Already there are not a great number of jobs that I can apply to and as the time passes the expiry date of my visa is coming closer which can be a problem for the prospective employers. I learnt that I cannot continue in my career line from where I am. I need to start from the bottom. But I can’t do that, I am 35! In the meantime the available jobs and traditional work environment started to feel very boring and restricting to me. I am afraid of not finding a job that I can enjoy doing. I think of all the boring duties, hoardings, survival of the fittest etc. Despite my desperation I recently dismissed a possible job offer because the interviewer had a questioning attitude and the place looked boring! It seems I cannot push myself for what I don’t want anymore! The timing couldn’t be worse as I need to be very eager and very tough. I want to stay in this country and I want an enjoyable job. I guess I need a miracle! Is this story appears to me as such because I contain all these restrictions in my consciousness?

It’s been about 4 and 1/2 months since I’ve stopped smoking cigarettes, and lately I’ve been experiencing some symptoms similar to those of when I was initially going through withdrawal, which is really testing my willpower. In the past I had used smoking to connect with people socially, and Kerri’s brother (who is a smoker) has been staying with us for the past couple of weeks. Clearly there is a connection here, but I would prefer not to engage in smoking again to acquire whatever feeling it is I’m looking for that I know can be obtained by doing so. Do you have any insight on this? I thought I had closed this chapter of my life earlier this year, but it seems I had only swept it under the rug.

I am currently going through an ongoing generating event involving another one of my family members moving in with me and I have been holding and visualizing the girls and receiving a lot of insight regarding the much broader view on the situation. At the same time I am still feeling a deep sad emotion in my heart during the whole process. I know I am doing well on the subject and have had great transformation so far. I am wondering when you look at the energetics of it if you see that I could use your guidance on that subject? If you think I am on the verge of transforming this on my own…then I would like to try that and here is a back up question…….can you take a look at the energetics with my ears they have been painful and filled with fluid.

I have been having intense recurring back aches, in the lower back, not in one place, they tend to move around from left and right sometimes into the hips. Would you please have some insight on that?

I have 9 days left in my job. I am angry and sad that my bosses are not asking me questions about my job before I leave. I’m leaving behind several very successful programs that I’ve created that has saved my company a lot of money while also helping our employees. I feel discounted because they don’t want to know how to continue the programs. I’m trying to move out of my job gracefully and I’m wondering what advice you have for me?