June, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Money, Worth, Financial Flow, Abundance and More ~ 6-23-10
This week’s meeting was really powerful. Eloheim walked us through a new tool for financial flow. The rest of The Council shared their perspectives on money, worth, value, wages, and lots of other aspects of abundance. It was quite a meeting. At 90 minutes, it was also one of the longest meetings we have had recently, but it flew by for me.
The YouTube video for this week is Eloheim talking about the tool. I edited out the conversation about the various streams of income the group came up with (beyond the obvious) so that I could include more of Eloheim talking about the tool. Here are some of the ideas. Please feel free to add your ideas in the comments section.
- Found money
- Won money
- Coupons
- Tips
- $5 from PayPal
- $100 for opening a bank account
- Gifts
- Selling things
- Winning money playing games
- Garage sale proceeds
- Gift certificate from Trader Joes because he brought his own grocery bags
- Recycling bottles
- Inheritance
- Doing laundry and looking in the pockets
- Winning an award at work for a good idea
- Making things and selling them
- Repaid loans
- Winning the lottery (any amount)
- Trading credit card points for money
I like how Eloheim tied this conversation to the but/because and short factual statements tools.
Well, it has been a fascinating journey, this book contest/adventure/ competition/inspiration! There are only a few days left for voting. Recently, I had a dream that I got 3rd place. I thought a lot about what I might DO today to help that become true.
Should I email all my facebook and youtube friends?
Should I say yes to the invitation to be on an Internet radio show?
As it turns out, I was drawn to write a love letter to Eloheim. Now, because it is me and it is Eloheim, this isn’t your typical love letter. In fact, it is a cartoon. It really is a long inside joke. But, what better way to say: I love you Eloheim.
Just in case you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, here is our contest page:
http://www.nexttopauthor.com/profile.cfm?aid=1933Voting ends on Monday, June 28th.
6-23-10 ~ 90 minutes
Eloheim: An exercise demonstrating the tool: I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways. Exploration of equal sign, magnetizing needs met, and comparing you to you. Discussion of how various group members are interacting with the flow of money in their lives.
Visionaries: Talked about how well the group did energetically with their triggers around money.
The Girls: It’s a kindness to yourself to become in the flow of knowing you’re living in an abundant universe.
Warrior: Talked about how they live in a barter environment, where intake is not generalized. What’s most important now is that our value is not based in how much we are paid for something, our value is based on how we perceive ourselves within the transaction. Don’t let anyone tell you your worth.

Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: You are an Actor in MY Play ~ Script Holding ~ 6-16-10
It is a busy time around here. Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest ends on June 28th. That also marks the last day of public voting. The remaining rounds will be decided by the expert panel. Please, if you like our proposal, take a moment to cast your vote for us. If you know anyone who would be interested in this material, feel free to pass it along. Our page is located at: http://www.nexttopauthor.com/profile.cfm?aid=1933
Here is a link to some local press about our entry in the Next Top Spiritual Author contest
I filmed myself out and about promoting my entry in the contest. I had some fascinating experiences!
My latest cartoon!
The meeting of the 16th included discussion and examples of using the Short Factual Statements tool. SFS is proving to be a powerful tool! The YouTube video focuses on another tool, Script Holding. It has been some time since Eloheim reviewed Script Holding. I like the way they tied it into Short Factual Statements.
6-16-10 ~ 85 minutes
Eloheim: An intense review of the usage of short, factual statements, using examples from members of the group covering guilt, boundaries, and jealousy.
Also an overview and discussion of script-holding and grace, ease, and bliss/serenity.
Visionaries: Allow the truth of the short, factual statement to settle into your body rather than just spend a bunch of time spinning in your head. It s a real thing you re doing and you re really creating from that position. The tool may feel intellectual at the start, but getting to the real you in it is important. You are creating consciousness in your life by looking at things consciously.
The Girls: Creating consciousness requires you to experience yourself in a new way; part of experiencing yourself in a new way is being disciplined about how you allow yourself to critique yourself during the use of these new tools. Do not be mean to yourself
Warrior: As you walk along a new path [use a new tool], you start out a bit wobbly. Do not fear, because the more you walk the path the more stable you become on your legs with it.

Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: Short Factual Statements TOOL 6-9-10
Today I have the video from 6-9-10 and a new cartoon!
June 9, 2010 was a powerful meeting. Eloheim and The Council elaborated on a new tool: Short Factual Statements (followed by a period).
I used this tool just this morning to deal with ‘disappointment’ and I can tell you it WORKS!
I have included Eloheim introducing the tool and The Girls giving their take on it in the Youtube video below. If you would like to watch the ON DEMAND webcast replay or download the complete audio recording of the meeting, the links are just below the video.
But, before we get to that, here are three bits of news and my latest Cartoon!
Watch Veronica on the radio! Or, if you rather, you can just listen. Veronica will be on the Mornings in Sonoma radio program Friday, June 18th at 9:15am Pacific. You can listen http://sunfmtv.com/fm/ (link at the very top of the page) or watch http://sonomasuntv.com/ online.
Wow, have you seen our voting page lately??? They have added a comments section just below our video. Please consider leaving a comment of your own and if you haven’t voted, please do that while you are there!
I just received confirmation that the expert panel (their opinion counts for 50% our score in round two) will take the comments into account. Your comments are part of our proposal!!!
Here is the link to our page:
My newest cartoon! A classic Eloheim quote: You Can’t Have Change Without Change done up in old school black and white. Do you have a favorite Eloheim quote or concept you would like me to put into a cartoon? Email: eloheimchannel@yahoo.com
6-9-10 ~ 84 minutes
Eloheim: Short, factual statements. Examples of short, factual statements with health issues and with work and self-confidence issues.
Visionaries: Living from a place of clarity and insight is the path to Homo spiritus. Clarity is an easeful path.
Girls: When using short, factual statements, be sure not to wallow in self-deprecation. Be doubly careful that not only are you observing what you’re tempted to from a position of the moment, but that you’re cautious not to abuse yourself in the process.
Warrior: By telling yourself the truth about the moment and allowing yourself to experience yourself there, you have the opportunity of self-revelation. To experience transformation requires courage to face what is actually present. Are you ready to live in the truth? Stay where the moment is, experiencing the truth of what you see and know, and asking for it to transform into something that is more constructive, more high-vibrational, and moving away from fear.
Matriarch: Sees the energy of the group as luminescent, touching in truth, which is an energetic state that reflects accurately the actuality of living your soul’s perspective, the actuality of existing, experiencing, and knowing the truth of you.
To download the audio recording of this meeting for $1.99, please follow this link: Shopping Area.
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: A Portal to a New YOU 5-26-10
I am almost up to date with the newsletters!
Last week was a very powerful session. Eloheim perceived a new ‘portal’ and passed the baton over to the Visionaries to explain it. The Visionaries explained it all in CLASSIC Visionaries fashion (which means that I barely get to breathe as they say so many words in such a short time.) I included their entire section in the video clip. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries:
You have a different opportunity of experiencing you now.
You have desired this opportunity and it has arrived.
The moment is the only place I want to live. I experience myself completely only as I experience myself experience the moment.
Addiction to the past and the future is a bad habit that you are ready to set aside. It is a play thing of children. It is not for the adults on the spiritual journey. The past and the future really are empty calories. It is not the place where you can actually experience yourself.
The remainder of the meeting has the entire Council speaking about this portal. I have included a bit of Eloheim’s contribution in the video as well.
Whatever it is, YES.
5-26-10 ~ 87 minutes
Eloheim, Visionaries: A portal has opened to the version of you that has made peace with the truth. The time has come when you can be the person who lives in the human form and doesn’t hide from the truth of you.
Say “Yes” to now so you can move forward without being in denial of the reality that you are experiencing.
Girls: It will be very challenging for you to love your complete self if you can’t love the parts of you that you don’t like.
Warrior: Allow the illumination of your soul’s insight to light up the dark places within you. When the dark places are illuminated, look and see what you find.
Matriarch: Call on members of the Council for assistance, and allow them to participate in the journey with you.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010
May, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Say YES to Now, YES This is MY Creation! 5-19-10
Hello everyone!
I am still catching up on the newsletters for the May meetings. Preparing our Round 2 submission for the Next Top Spiritual Author contest took center stage over the last two weeks!
Eloheim and the Council have made it really clear that saying YES to now is vitally important in our spiritual journey at this time. I have included Eloheim’s discussion of this concept in the video below, but all the Council members are talking about it.
It is taking the ‘being in the moment’ idea to a completely new level. There is more about this in the 5-26-10 meeting.
You can say YES to something that is difficult, without believing that you are creating more of it. When you consciously consider your shadow you often fear you are creating more shadow, however what you are actually creating is more conscious consideration.
5-19-10 ~ 75 minutes
Guardians: Brought our attention into the moment by pointing out the choice we can make between shifting our focus from the habitual mental way of experiencing ourselves, or allowing ourselves to be open to the moment without obsessive thinking.
Eloheim: Took questions and discussed our confusion about our creatorship. You’re allowed to have confusion about the need for your creation, but you must say yes to your creation nonetheless. Saying yes does not mean you want it to continue, it means that you acknowledge your creatorship. Also discussed the Warrior and how their energy is been experienced by people in the group.
The Girls: The body is an integral part of the Ascension process and the movement to Homo spiritus. When you say yes to your creations, be sure to be kind to your body and acknowledge that what it feels is valid.
Warrior: As you start off on a new path where there has been no path before, allow yourself to open to the possibility that there is a trail where you don’t see one, because what tends to happen is you assume you know and then you don’t explore. You have to allow yourself the presence of the observing moment to inform you of options you have yet to consider.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting by reminding us that we are all One.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010

ELOHEIM: Update, Links, and CARTOONS!
We are in the thick of it getting our Next Top Spiritual Author Round 2 submission ready. Voting resumes on Monday, May 24th (YES! THAT IS TOMORROW!) so I need to get back to it.
That means I haven’t yet edited the video from the meetings of May 16th or 19th. I will get to it soon, but I wanted to send a quick message with the links to the webcast replays and the audio downloads..
They were both really great meetings!
Also, in the process of assembling our marketing plan for the book, I came across this fun website that lets you make cartoons. I just couldn’t resist. Here are the first two!
Thanks so much for your support. I will have another email soon with details on the contest and video from the 16th and 19th.
5-19-10 ~ 75 minutes
You’re allowed to have confusion about the need for your creation, but you must say yes to your creation nonetheless. Where am I waiting for the other shoe to drop? you can’t be a victim sometimes and a creator sometimes. Stay in self mentality rather than service mentality. You go to work for spiritual growth, money just happens to come and money doesn’t only come from work. We see you as Swiss cheese, the holes are your shadow places ready for transformation. The truth is in the process, not in the conclusion. You can’t get where you’re going without your body and your body needs to be helped to keep up. Saying yes to the truth creates from the wholeness of you. You are blazing a new trail, a new path.
5-16-10 ~ 78 minutes ~ May Q&A with Eloheim
Here are some of the questions answered during the meeting: I am currently working with youth and children that have been medically diagnosed with various mental and emotional disorders and that come from very difficult backgrounds and situations, and at best are very difficult to interact with. Despite using my tools when I remember to, how can I best reach these children, while still being in integrity and not compromising myself.
I have not been able to determine my passion, what I am here to do. I am actively looking for a job, still need to create money flow. What I really want is to do something that my heart would sing. Please help me to determine what it is so I can create it.
Can you go over again the whole process of manifesting something specific into our experience, especially the requesting part?
HOW and WHY is it that a child can manifest very similar experiences to their parent often around the same age as the parent when the parent had the similar experience?
In my understanding, if all is perception and our reality and experience is based on that which is perceived by our conscious selves, is then the information that is given to us by you, The Eloheim, your own perception of how this ascension process should best unfold for us all? Or Or….do we each of us hear it differently according to our own perception, understanding and unique personal journeys?
Hi Eloheim, on the subject our hidden stuff….while I am doing the money mantra and telling myself that everything works out at the perfect time in the perfect way, I realized that although I am saying it to myself I really don’t believe it. The result is an ongoing stomach issue. How can I really believe the positive stuff because deep down I am not confident in it?
I am afraid my body can’t hold the light it is supposed to.
Instantaneous manifestation.
In relation to what was discussed in the last meeting about acknowledging the changes in yourself first and then the outer will express that change. How does that work with something like instantaneous manifestation where you can believe that it is possible but haven’t actually experienced it yet? You know the potential is there but how do you get past that hump without something instantaneously manifesting?
Could you please talk about the re-wiring of body to hold increasing flow of light, and the symptoms, outcomes, what to expect, and how to help the body through this process?
If my husband mirrors me, wow! He stubbed his toes on a chair and blamed me. Was it about me or him?
Will we ever unravel or peel all of the layers or is it an never ending process where once you get to another level, there is a whole new set of layers to peel albeit from that particular stage or dimension of consciousness?
I am experiencing flow of energy through my body. It is sound like in my head, concentric circles like from my heart. In my stomach I feel no flow, and it shows physically as pain, feeling blockage. I would like you to help me move the energy in the muddle of my body by bringing the blocks there to my consciousness. I am accepting where I am and want to move to experiencing fit, flexible, strong body that brings joy of ease.
When you say “the light worker type” what do you mean?
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010

ELOHEIM: Where you HIDE from yourself 5-12-10
We are busy creating our entry for Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. Voting will begin on May 24th! More details in the next newsletter.
The meeting of May 12, 2010 focused on how we hide things from ourselves. The entire Council shared insight on this topic. There was also a long discussion of clarity versus certainty.
We upgraded our technology to include a flip camera for capturing video of our events. Of course, upgraded technology = learning curve which contributed to the delay in getting the newsletter out this week.
The other contributing factor was that the Warriors really knocked me out this week. I am going to copy a FaceBook conversation here because it so clearly illustrates everything I want to share:
Sue: It was a fantastic meeting Veronica and I love the Warrior. You talked about holding back with them – I kept seeing you trying to hold back a team of Clydesdale horses when they came in. Great facial expressions from the Warrior which helped me to really get an image of who they are. And the Matriarch, as usual, made me teary. The puzzle pieces and the connections were awesome. Thank you so much.
Veronica: Thanks Sue! Mary said it this way:“There are times when I think they want to bust out of your skin. Which I would imagine is not very comfortable for you. Or your skin.”
🙂 both your assessments made me smile. The Warrior comes with so many PICTURES! There is this amazing mental movie that I don’t get with the other members of the Council. I… See More can see what he is wearing and all the weaponry and the forest and the fields and everything. It is remarkable. Last night he was, get this, sort of picking his teeth after eating. I am serious! He was looking down at the fire, it was dark out, he was picking his teeth and talking. Then, he would look up and it was like he was looking at ME! No wonder it took until 5:30pm to feel like myself again!
Sue: I think if you watch the video you can get the picking teeth image. I can see why you’re uncomfortable if they’re looking right at you. Even your hair looked different to me as they were talking. Oowh-weee. Talk about wondering what your left toe is doing!!! You must really have to resettle back into your body.
Veronica: I haven’t watched the video yet. I bought a new flip camera for recording the meetings and I just didn’t feel up to figuring it all out today! I know there is a LOT more the Warrior has to share. There is something big coming with that dude.
I know we have barely scratched the surface.
So, without further ado! Here is the video of the Warrior we were discussing. I am still trying to sort out the Flip camera’s software so I went for the simple choice of including the Warrior unedited and uncut.
If you would like to listen to or watch the entire 5-12-10 meeting, follow these links:
5-12-10 ~ 87 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by discussing bringing the body into the transformation that we’re experiencing, especially when we work on our shadow aspects.
Visionaries: A further examination of where we lie to ourselves, and how to transform those places we are ashamed of or fear. If you want to have transformation in your life, you have to deeply say “Yes” to what the current truth of you is.
Eloheim: A deep discussion of truly working through our shadow areas. They see us in fear of doing the work to fully examine our shadow areas, but want to reassure us that bringing the light of consciousness to our shameful aspects will in fact bring us to our true selves.
The Girls: “It’s all right.” By allowing ourselves to have ease with ourselves as we work through our shadow areas, we bring ourselves closer to the truth of our soul’s perspective.
Warrior: As we walk onto the field of battle, which is within us, we must be ready and armed with the tools we’ve been given.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting by reminding us: Each of the members of the Council is embracing you and supporting you on different levels, so that you can experience the completeness of you.

Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: In HABIT? Do you want a shovel or a ladder? 04-2009
Classic Eloheim quotes set to Rob’s amazing photography! Thanks to Laney for the idea!