The three meetings in January 2014 were some of the most powerful we have ever held. The January 22nd session blew me away. The YouTube is part of The Visionaries section. It set the tone for each of The Council members to share their insights on seeing and experiencing 2014 in a brand new way. I loved how The Council passed the baton to each other and built on what was shared before.

I know I feel completely different and so many new opportunities are opening up for me. I find myself stunned by what I’m experiencing. I actually sat and wept with the magnitude of the shift. I didn’t cry from fear or sadness. I cried from awe.

I highly recommend that you watch this entire session.

January 22 ~ Full Council – Audio/Video ON DEMAND

Price: $6.99

If you are interested in the other sessions we held in January, you can get them as a FREE BONUS by joining us as a subscriber or use these links to download them individually.

January 8 ~ Sonoma – Audio Only

Price: $4.99

January 19 ~ Q&A – Audio/Video ON DEMAND
Price: $6.99


You have the opportunity to see in a new way and to have a new stance – a 2014 stance. It’s facing fears; making a line in the sand. You can emanate an energetic not just for yourself, but for your location. You can have compassions: “Oh, that person is just afraid, and fixing their fears as best they know how.” The survival instinct will be a constant companion, but you can interact with it gracefully, without generating more fears. This is the conscious-based operating system.

Eloheim: There are three major points for this “incline year”. (A) You don’t have to understand other’s fears in order to have compassion that they have fears, just as you have fears. When you understand, “He’s just afraid,” then alchemy happens. (B) Put your focus on what you want. Notice where you are ready to have a big change happen, then choose some action. Garden in that area. Don’t bounce around among a lot of goals; just dig deeper in the two or three you really want. (C) As you face the world, if you’re going to show up, then SHOW UP. You know how to be conscious, so let it FILL you up, let it give you confidence. Let your consciousness emanate, and let others match energy with you.

In natural disasters and catastrophes, when everybody else is afraid, what will you emanate? In a crises, you can just be present with what IS. You can be afraid in the moment, but not add more fear. Take a stance.

Girls: “Stance” is a newer version of our old tools of “boundaries” and “preferences” but now it doesn’t involve anyone else. Stance is not interactive. It’s being within your internal compass and knowingness. Levels 6-8 are not about interaction and responding to stimulus. These levels are about emanating. Practice this with little things. A naturally occurring stance comes with a deeper sense of self – self love, self affection, self acceptance. Its being in peace with your “imperfections.”

Fred: Like fractals, every moment offers you an infinite set of perspectives. We’ve explored only two: the fear-based perspective and the conscious-based perspective. A third perspective is the soul’s perspective. Be aware of stretching into the new stance of this third perspective.

Warrior: Focus on the things you’re good at, not on the things you’re afraid of. (He told a story of fishing as a boy in a fast river, with only a stick and determined focus). You can be afraid and still think clearly at the same time, if you have a focus. Re-focus, re-focus.

Watch this session ON DEMAND

January 22 ~ Full Council – Audio/Video ON DEMAND

Price: $6.99