This amazing clip begins with Eloheim responding to a group member’s question about why she had had such a hard day recently.

Eloheim continues the comments to explain how our childhood experiences become assets for us as adults.

They then expand this idea to talk about how we go about experiencing personal growth or as they call it our “Inner Olympics”.

The old way of doing it (personal growth) was to experience challenges. The new way of doing it is to challenge yourself….to look at your core emotion, to look for the gift, to ask why, why, why…

You are only in comparison with you! Can I handle this situation better than I have handled it in the past? Can I look at this in a new light? Can I find the gift here? Can I trust? As compared to five years ago, or five minutes ago, or five seconds ago.

The Spiritual Journey isn’t a competition with anyone other than who you are now as compared to who you were a moment ago and who you will be a moment from now.

The only person to whom you prove who you are is yourself.

Eloheim: 04-18-07 Your Inner Olympics AKA Personal Growth