March, 2011
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Equal Signs – The Tool – PowerPoint Video
Hello everyone! Mary has finished the PowerPoint video of Eloheim’s recent talk about their tool Equal Signs. For twenty-two additional tools and much more, see the bottom of this post for Eloheim’s first book, The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living – Vol. 1
For more video from this meeting, please visit:
December, 2010
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Energies of 2011 – The Year of Balance ~ 12-29-10
Hello everyone!
The last meeting of 2010 was wonderful. Each of the Council members gave a send off to the new year. Well, aside from The Girls. They basically skipped their section so that we could all hear more about the Warrior’s wedding! The Warrior got married and it was beautiful!!! What a fun meeting!
The video clip is Eloheim speaking about the energies of 2011 – The Year of Balance.
Happy Balanced New Year to all of you!!!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
Guardians: Opened the meeting by urging us to release and leave behind everything that we do not want to carry forward into 2011, primarily energetics pertaining to our first chakras. They encourage us to say, “I’m ready to release the patterns that no longer serve me.”
Visionaries: Urged us to practice reclining into uncertainty as much as we can. In doing so, we open ourselves up to a vast array (infinite) of possibilities. They gave us a fun visual to go along with the concept: the bowling alley.
Eloheim: Talked about resistance to acknowledging the truth, especially the fear of death. We don’t have to dwell on our fears to acknowledge them, but if we don’t at least acknowledge them they will nag at us in conscious and unconscious ways. Also, with 2011 being the “year of balance,” a discussion of what it means to balance our chakras.
The Girls: Came in quickly to say they enjoyed the physical experience of having a mani-pedi with Veronica, and to express their joy at the Warrior’s wedding.
Warrior: The Wedding! The Warrior and Marianna marry.
Fred: Discussed what the idea of infinite possibilities means. Also made New Year’s resolutions about becoming more comfortable in the body and communicating in human language.
Matriarch: Some script-holders reflect our truths to us. The Matriarch suggests that we gaze into our own truths and allow them to be emanated into the world.
November, 2010
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Only You Can Make I DON’T KNOW a Position of Strength 11-3-10
Hello everyone!
The Guardians started off the meeting of November 3, 2010 with a bang. They challenged us to bring the truth of us forward in our fields. Eloheim took over and used the example of a crazy, busy day I had recently to explain how we can do this.
If you are a very psychic, intuitive, or empathic person, you will likely find this video clip especially supportive.
Eloheim refers to the Film in the Camera tool several times during this clip. If you are not familiar with this new tool, please click here.
They also mention the vulnerability vs. weakness tool. That tool was first introduced on 5-26-10 (click here for that meeting). Here is a Eloheim describing it:
Continue Reading…
June, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Money, Worth, Financial Flow, Abundance and More ~ 6-23-10
This week’s meeting was really powerful. Eloheim walked us through a new tool for financial flow. The rest of The Council shared their perspectives on money, worth, value, wages, and lots of other aspects of abundance. It was quite a meeting. At 90 minutes, it was also one of the longest meetings we have had recently, but it flew by for me.
The YouTube video for this week is Eloheim talking about the tool. I edited out the conversation about the various streams of income the group came up with (beyond the obvious) so that I could include more of Eloheim talking about the tool. Here are some of the ideas. Please feel free to add your ideas in the comments section.
- Found money
- Won money
- Coupons
- Tips
- $5 from PayPal
- $100 for opening a bank account
- Gifts
- Selling things
- Winning money playing games
- Garage sale proceeds
- Gift certificate from Trader Joes because he brought his own grocery bags
- Recycling bottles
- Inheritance
- Doing laundry and looking in the pockets
- Winning an award at work for a good idea
- Making things and selling them
- Repaid loans
- Winning the lottery (any amount)
- Trading credit card points for money
I like how Eloheim tied this conversation to the but/because and short factual statements tools.
Well, it has been a fascinating journey, this book contest/adventure/ competition/inspiration! There are only a few days left for voting. Recently, I had a dream that I got 3rd place. I thought a lot about what I might DO today to help that become true.
Should I email all my facebook and youtube friends?
Should I say yes to the invitation to be on an Internet radio show?
As it turns out, I was drawn to write a love letter to Eloheim. Now, because it is me and it is Eloheim, this isn’t your typical love letter. In fact, it is a cartoon. It really is a long inside joke. But, what better way to say: I love you Eloheim.
Just in case you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, here is our contest page: ends on Monday, June 28th.
6-23-10 ~ 90 minutes
Eloheim: An exercise demonstrating the tool: I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways. Exploration of equal sign, magnetizing needs met, and comparing you to you. Discussion of how various group members are interacting with the flow of money in their lives.
Visionaries: Talked about how well the group did energetically with their triggers around money.
The Girls: It’s a kindness to yourself to become in the flow of knowing you’re living in an abundant universe.
Warrior: Talked about how they live in a barter environment, where intake is not generalized. What’s most important now is that our value is not based in how much we are paid for something, our value is based on how we perceive ourselves within the transaction. Don’t let anyone tell you your worth.

Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: In HABIT? Do you want a shovel or a ladder? 04-2009
Classic Eloheim quotes set to Rob’s amazing photography! Thanks to Laney for the idea!

ELOHEIM: Transform Shame, Guilt and Embarrassment 4-21-10
Hello everyone,
This week’s meeting was really powerful. The Council is focused on helping us transform our relationship to our shadow places so we can continue ascending and live as Homo spiritus.
The love you have for yourself is being corroded by the places that you are hiding from yourself. The Girls
You have hidden from yourself to survive….hiding from it is the survival instinct….but we are here to evolve the survival instinct to give you the opportunity to transform out of the fear based operating system into the consciousness based operating system. Eloheim
You have moved into the right relationship to the truth of you! You walk into the field [of battle] but the field is within you.The Warrior
4-21-10 ~ 77 minutes
Eloheim: Energetic billboard tool: Energetically what are you telling people about yourself? You’re a culmination of all your life experiences and now a culmination of your soul’s expressions and you’re emanating that into the world. Job interviews, you’re interviewing them to see if you want to emanate in their environment. Explains what a core emotion is.
Visionaries: Part of what is the conundrum for you about emanation is that you are uncomfortable with the completeness of you. The best place for you to start with owning your energetic is with owning your shadow.
Warrior: What have you conquered? You have conquered the inertia, you’ve moved past the procrastination, and you’ve transformed the fear that you feel when looking at your truth. You have moved into the right relationship with the truth of you.
WE are always with you.
BE Courageous!!
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010

ELOHEIM: Break out of Lack ~ 3-31-10
Wow, do I have news before I get to this week’s meeting:
1. Have you voted for us as the Next Top Spiritual Author? Every vote is needed and it is quite easy to do. Follow this link to our page:
2. The Q&A channeling sessions are going to be held every 3rd Sunday of the month. For April, that makes it the 18th. If you have questions for Eloheim, this is your chance to ask them! We also webcast our weekly meetings. Register on this page:
3. I will be on KSVY radio next Friday, April 9th, at 8:45am Pacific. I will be a guest on the Mornings in Sonoma program. You can listen live from the radio’s website:
4. Please follow this link to read an Eloheim article about the four levels of the law of attraction. This is a new venue for sharing the Eloheim teachings and the more clicks we get, the better our ranking will be and Waller says that is really important. Please click and share!
On to this week’s meeting!
The meeting included all six members of The Council sharing their insights. The video below includes Eloheim speaking about lack and how to ensure that you are comparing YOU TO YOU here in 2010 and not somewhere in your past.
Eloheim also talked about what The Council does at the meetings. The Girls took Eloheim’s “What is your left big toe doing?” tool to another level. The Warrior took us deeply into how to access our alternate expressions (past lives) and receive the gift that even violent lifetimes have for us. The Guardians did multiple energy clearing sessions. The Visionaries talked about the overall picture and The Matriarch did another powerful meditation.
3-31-10 ~ 78 minutes
Guardians: Energetically you can release without having to understand or know or examine even everything that comes off.
Visionaries: Now, the grand step that’s currently ready for you is the grand step that says, “I can live, I can live, from consciousness.” We want to facilitate you living from a position of consciousness where in essence, as Eloheim has called it, it becomes a healthy habit to default to consciousness.
Eloheim: Tool – who answers the door? Describes how the Council communicates. Tool – . “I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways,” Lack is one of the lowest-vibrational states you can find yourself in.
The Girls: We want to make sure that you recognize that you’re in a body. You’re in a bod-y. And your body needs from you love for you.
Warrior: You want knowledge of and acknowledgment of the foundational aspects of the Warrior lifetimes.
Matriarch: When you find yourself confused or distraught or mixed up, there can be solace in the idea and the fact that you’re not alone. But not simply, “I’m not alone, I’m not alone,” but, “I am part of something that is non-divisible.” Non-divisible.
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010
March, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Looking at Our Shadow 3-17-10
Here is the video clip from last week’s amazing meeting. WOW, was it a powerful night.
In other BIG news, I have entered the Next Top Spiritual Author Contest.
The Next Top Spiritual Author Contest has been set up by James Twyman and Robert Evans, in conjunction with the publishers Hampton Roads, who are offering a book contract. Three runners-up will get the chance to work with James Twyman and be introduced to publishers in the spiritual field.
Since we have been planning a book on Eloheim’s teachings, this seemed liked the ideal opportunity to get it done!
Here’s how it works:
Round One
Authors to submit a video or audio pitch and to encourage friends to vote for them. Voting starts on 29th March – we’ll post the link when it goes live. Voting continues until 3rd May and the 200 authors who have received the most votes will progress to the next round. They expect more than 2000 entries.
Our video pitch is filmed and is currently being edited and finalized.
So come Monday, I will have a message with the voting information and more details. Thanks in advance for your support!
This is the project which the Visionaries refer to at the beginning of the video.
The Warrior did make his/her/its first appearance during this meeting. I have needed the last six days to feel completely myself again. It is big energy! I didn’t include them in the video because, frankly, I can’t watch that section of the video without feeling their energy and I haven’t been ready to carry their energy again.
I AM ready for tonight so we will see if they come in again.
Many Blessings,
3-17-10 ~ 77 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to put aside our thinking patterns and bring our attention to the moment.
Visionaries: Advised: Invite your soul’s energy to drop in more, and if questions arise, love yourself enough to move those questions into the heart chakra. So as questions arise, just allow that space to be cleared, and then as the soul’s energy comes in, do not decide ahead of time what the soul’s energy is going to feel like, just allow.
Eloheim: Discussed preparing for the warrior energy to enter, and what is happening as we investigate our shadow aspects. There can be fear around what examining our shadow will bring into our lives. Consciously examining your shadow creates more consciousness, not more shadow.
The Girls: As you go through deeply spiritually transformational processes, such as clearing out energy that’s been around for a very long time, try to do from a position of love and respect of yourself.
Warrior: First appearance. They told us that they will hold the space for us to safely explore what we have been hiding from ourselves, and that they will be with us and support us in our journey.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting with a short, loving reminder that they hold us and support us.
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010
September, 2009
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9-9-9 was so powerful I am not sure where to begin with this summary. From the opening moments of the meeting, I knew something big was coming. I actually got up and opened the door as I started feeling really hot. The Visionaries came in first and did a group energy treatment. Then, they started in on their message.
Let me just say, the Visionaries are INTENSE!
They talk non-stop, they move my body around a lot, they are LOUD, and they bring a lot of energy into the room.
I just started playing the video from the meeting and I felt like I needed to move away from the computer! Their energy is so forceful.
Years ago (I remember the night quite clearly) Eloheim told us that there were two modifications made to the free will zone after it was created. Since external modifications to a free will zone sort of negate the whole ‘free will’ part it was a VERY BIG DEAL that these changes were made.
However, it was deemed necessary and ‘approval’ was received.
At that time, Eloheim shared one of the things that was changed and told us that they couldn’t share the other.
Well, the Visionaries decided to share it on 9-9-9.
The entire meeting (aside from the last question) was a discussion of this revelation. The Visionaries turned the meeting over the Eloheim after about 20 minutes and Eloheim told the story from their point of view as well.
Writing these summaries isn’t the easiest thing for me to do and this week is much more challenging that most. What direction do I take this posting? Do I talk about how it feels to channel the Visionaries compared to how it feels to channel Eloheim? Do I talk about the awe I felt when this information was finally shared.? Do I talk about Eloheim sharing that I am healing the core emotion of the collective? Do I talk about how liberating it was to hear Eloheim talk about their “Fuck up” without that meaning a mistake was made? Do I talk about why I wept in amazement after the meeting?
I really don’t know. I guess it will have to suffice to say that this meeting rocked me to my core and you just might like to hear the whole thing.
It was short meeting, only 66 minutes. I could hardly sit up by the time we got to the one hour mark. I was very tired yesterday, but feel like myself today.
Perhaps this quote from one of the group members sums it up:
“I’m very altered from last night. WOW. On the way home my third eye had so much activity and my muscles didn’t want to work. Then after I got home I started to sweat. Interesting night of dreams and teaching all night long. I feel pretty listless this morning still integrating what happened. I would have to say, that was the most phenomenal experience of my life.“
Here is video from the Visionaries.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009

ELOHEIM: Deepening the Experience of the Body 9-2-09
Hello everyone,
This week’s Eloheim channeling focused on deepening the experience of body. It was a very warm night and we had both of the big doors open in our meeting room for the first time this summer. You can probably hear the crickets in the background. We could also hear the breeze in the trees.
This clip also includes the Energies of September.
The sound can become a feeling. Can you feel that sound as it just washes across the skin? When you are operating as an ensouled human…your senses become heightened because you are not ONLY operating from the human perspective any longer.
You’re the one deciding how deeply you experience the moment.
Energies of September 2009: Sneaky September. The truth of you has found you!
You start to live in a place that has no opposite: This is my TRUTH! That is how you live free: When your position is not dictated by someone else, but is instead created by your internal process.
I found a new function on my video editing software which is going to save me A LOT of time preparing the videos. This made it possible to pick snippets from various parts of the meeting for this week’s video.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009