January, 2011
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Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
December, 2010
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Confused About Your Future? Uncertainty is Infinite Possibilities! 12-15-10
Hello everyone!
Wow, what a busy last seven days. Between channeling, having company, channeling the Q&A, and recovery from everything — the newsletters are late, late, late.
So, I will be brief as I also want to get the Q&A post from the 19th done before the meeting tonight. 🙂
December 15, 2010 continued the idea of uncertainty being the portal to Homo spiritus and ascension. Here is a GREAT video from the Visionaries.
If you don’t like the word uncertainty, use the word possibilities!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
12-15-10 ~ 90 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by urging us to leave any baggage from the past behind as we enter the opening portal of now.
Visionaries: Talked about the uncertainty portal and advised: “Look for uncertainty for that will be the portal. Uncertainty will bring you into the moment and uncertainty with the moment will take you into Homo spiritus on the path to ascension. Because it’s going to uncover the places within you that you have hidden from yourself or you’ve been unwilling to look at.” They closed by suggesting we “frolic in the field of infinite possibilities.”
Eloheim: There was a small group present at the meeting, so Eloheim asked a question around the circle and also around the webcast participants: What does it bring up in you to frolic in the field of possibilities? They went into each of the answers offered up by the group. Also, a discussion of short, factual statements as opposed to short, factual paragraphs.
The Girls: By becoming more comfortable in uncertainty, we have the opportunity to thrive in a place that is stereotypically stressful. We make it easier on ourselves, and thus open to more interaction with others.
Warrior: Continued their story of being with the queen. This week, a neighboring king and his five sons come for a visit. Uncomfortable uncertainty ensues.
Fred: Just popped in for a few quick words about how much he enjoyed the Warrior’s story.
Matriarch: Reflected on the word “beloved,” and how we are her beloved.
November, 2010
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Respecting Yourself, Setting Boundaries ~ 11-17-10
Hello everyone! The November 17, 2010 meeting was full of great information:
Visionaries: Something new is on the horizon! Abide in ‘I Don’t Know’ as a position of strength.
Eloheim: You’re not meant to have the final product figured out. What you are meant to do is, in the moment, open up to what insight allows. Ideas don’t come when you are trying to be at the end. Ideas come when you are in the now.
Eloheim also gave a long description of the Re-Queue tool to help us handling situations, problems, and triggers.
In this week’s video clip, The Girls talk about the challenge of setting boundaries and the importance of doing so.
Warrior: Is officially smitten by the Queen! Their discussion centered around working with chakras that aren’t our strongest in order to become more balanced. The year of 2011 is the year of balance.
Fred: Gave an example of working with the portal reminding us that we can slow down the flow of transformation, but be sure not to limit it. Be kind to yourself by asking it to slow down and be gentle with yourself by not going into lack when you do!
The Matriarch: Closed with a powerful definition of ‘transformational energy.’
October, 2010
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A New Way of Dealing With Triggers ~ 10-13-10
The meeting of October 13, 2010 was very interesting. The Visionaries continued the discussion of a new relationship to triggers. I have included their comments in the video below.
Eloheim went on to share a new way of looking at the moment.
There is a very thin walkway between fantasy and over thinking. Neither one of those states is going to give you a connection to the moment. There is something that makes the moment uncomfortable or you would be in the moment.
The Warrior continued their story.Cedrick leaves the castle with the Warrior’s men!
We keep a keen eye on the aspects of ourselves that need transformation.
August, 2010
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What Being in the Moment is Actually like ~ 8-18-10
The meeting of August 18, 2010 was one of the most important meetings we have ever held. It started off pretty rough though! I purchased a new camera for broadcasting the webcasts. I was also given a camera. We had trouble getting either to cooperate! It took over an hour, but we finally managed a solution.
Of course the Council decided to use my reactions to all of this as part of their talk! The result was a message that helped me SO much. Continue Reading…
June, 2010
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ELOHEIM – Why are you SKIPPING this Moment? 6-2-10
Wow, there is a lot going on. Today, I have the summary of the 6-2-10 meeting, a new cartoon, and updates about the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. Let’s do them in reverse order!
The Next Top Spiritual Author contest — Round 2.
Round one of the contest saw 2800 entries reduced to 271. We must be in the top 25 to advance to round 3 at the end of June. There were only supposed to be 250 authors advancing to round 2, but the bottom 25 authors HAD THE SAME NUMBER OF VOTES! I guess what they say is true, every vote does count.
We spent the last few weeks preparing our round 2 entry and voting for round 2 is now live! You can read our book proposal and the first chapter of our book, The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Personal Transformation, at this link: http://www.nexttopauthor.com/profile.cfm?aid=1933. If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you can now leave a comment about the book and/or your experience of Eloheim.
Cartoon #5
I LOVE making these cartoons.

What is it about this moment that I am afraid of, that I don’t think is valuable, that I have made assumptions about, that I am habitual about?
There’s no such thing as — that other moment over there is more valuable than this one!
You wake up in the morning and you start skipping and we want you to know why.
You are purifying your experience of the moment in order to have the moment BE your experience.
6-2-10 ~ 83 minutes
Eloheim, Visionaries, Girls: Insight is only found in the moment. When you skip over experiences and feelings, you skip the moment. Questions you can ask yourself are: “What am I skipping?” “What do I want to skip?” “What do I wish I could skip?”
Wring every bit of experience out of every moment.
Say “Yes” to your creations.
“ ‘Yes’ is the way to ‘Wow.’ ”
“I’m on the Yes bus.”
Warrior: Facing the truth of self will set you free.
Matriarch: Setting boundaries is part of saying “yes” to your creations.
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: A Portal to a New YOU 5-26-10
I am almost up to date with the newsletters!
Last week was a very powerful session. Eloheim perceived a new ‘portal’ and passed the baton over to the Visionaries to explain it. The Visionaries explained it all in CLASSIC Visionaries fashion (which means that I barely get to breathe as they say so many words in such a short time.) I included their entire section in the video clip. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries:
You have a different opportunity of experiencing you now.
You have desired this opportunity and it has arrived.
The moment is the only place I want to live. I experience myself completely only as I experience myself experience the moment.
Addiction to the past and the future is a bad habit that you are ready to set aside. It is a play thing of children. It is not for the adults on the spiritual journey. The past and the future really are empty calories. It is not the place where you can actually experience yourself.
The remainder of the meeting has the entire Council speaking about this portal. I have included a bit of Eloheim’s contribution in the video as well.
Whatever it is, YES.
5-26-10 ~ 87 minutes
Eloheim, Visionaries: A portal has opened to the version of you that has made peace with the truth. The time has come when you can be the person who lives in the human form and doesn’t hide from the truth of you.
Say “Yes” to now so you can move forward without being in denial of the reality that you are experiencing.
Girls: It will be very challenging for you to love your complete self if you can’t love the parts of you that you don’t like.
Warrior: Allow the illumination of your soul’s insight to light up the dark places within you. When the dark places are illuminated, look and see what you find.
Matriarch: Call on members of the Council for assistance, and allow them to participate in the journey with you.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010
May, 2010
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ELOHEIM: What Makes my Heart Sing? 5-16-10
Our proposal for Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest/adventure is NOW LIVE!!! Please take a look. Follow this link: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=1933 to view our book proposal and read the first chapter of our book, The Choice for Consciousness. The links to the new material are directly above the video on that page. THANKS!!!! You can only vote once per round per author.
Now that our submission is finalized, I have time to create the videos from the last two meetings and to upload the finalized transcripts I have stacking up on my desk!
I am starting with the Q&A webcast held on Sunday, May 16th. It was a great session and there is a lot of really interesting information included. Eloheim described how they see the energetics of our questions and explained how to phrase questions to maximize their effectiveness.
The video features a question about how to find a job or purpose that makes your ‘heart sing.’
Remember, when you are interviewing for a job, you are interviewing THEM! Can I emanate the completeness of me in this space? Do I want to?
What part of you are you showing me? What is this telling me about me.
The first thing you have to do when you wish to make a change is to say YES to now. You have to sit into, What is true now?, first.
This situation is here to teach me something not just make me suffer until perfect shows up!
Here are some of the questions answered during the meeting:
I am currently working with youth and children that have been medically diagnosed with various mental and emotional disorders and that come from very difficult backgrounds and situations, and at best are very difficult to interact with. Despite using my tools when I remember to, how can I best reach these children, while still being in integrity and not compromising myself.
I have not been able to determine my passion, what I am here to do. I am actively looking for a job, still need to create money flow. What I really want is to do something that my heart would sing. Please help me to determine what it is so I can create it.
Can you go over again the whole process of manifesting something specific into our experience, especially the requesting part?
HOW and WHY is it that a child can manifest very similar experiences to their parent often around the same age as the parent when the parent had the similar experience?
In my understanding, if all is perception and our reality and experience is based on that which is perceived by our conscious selves, is then the information that is given to us by you, The Eloheim, your own perception of how this ascension process should best unfold for us all? Or Or….do we each of us hear it differently according to our own perception, understanding and unique personal journeys?
Hi Eloheim, on the subject our hidden stuff….while I am doing the money mantra and telling myself that everything works out at the perfect time in the perfect way, I realized that although I am saying it to myself I really don’t believe it. The result is an ongoing stomach issue. How can I really believe the positive stuff because deep down I am not confident in it?
I am afraid my body can’t hold the light it is supposed to.
Instantaneous manifestation.
In relation to what was discussed in the last meeting about acknowledging the changes in yourself first and then the outer will express that change. How does that work with something like instantaneous manifestation where you can believe that it is possible but haven’t actually experienced it yet? You know the potential is there but how do you get past that hump without something instantaneously manifesting?
Could you please talk about the re-wiring of body to hold increasing flow of light, and the symptoms, outcomes, what to expect, and how to help the body through this process?
If my husband mirrors me, wow! He stubbed his toes on a chair and blamed me. Was it about me or him?
Will we ever unravel or peel all of the layers or is it an never ending process where once you get to another level, there is a whole new set of layers to peel albeit from that particular stage or dimension of consciousness?
I am experiencing flow of energy through my body. It is sound like in my head, concentric circles like from my heart. In my stomach I feel no flow, and it shows physically as pain, feeling blockage. I would like you to help me move the energy in the muddle of my body by bringing the blocks there to my consciousness. I am accepting where I am and want to move to experiencing fit, flexible, strong body that brings joy of ease.
When you say “the light worker type” what do you mean?
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010
January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: January Portal and LOVE ~ 1-6-10
Hello everyone!
Well now! Wednesday just went to another level. I know I say something along those lines a couple times a month BUT seriously this week was WOW.
The Guardians started us off by setting the energy in the room. The Visionaries came in and got all excited and got their point across in a very intense way. THEN, a new group, The Girls, came in.
Talk about a change of pace! The Girls “crashed the boy’s party” because “it was about time some feminine energy” joined our circle.
I have included most of The Girls’ message in the video below. They are really cool.
I am always fascinated by how new energies choose to use my physical body to convey their messages. The Guardians can’t speak easily, but they move my arms a lot. The Visionaries sit on the edge of the chair and speak REALLY LOUDLY. Eloheim is so familiar to me that it is hard to pick out something, but I can say that their energy is quite masculine. The Girls immediately sat back in the chair, got comfortable, crossed my legs, and settled in for a chat.
The video includes one minute of The Visionaries, seven minutes of The Girls, and two minutes of Eloheim.
Where is your attention? You’ve got to get your attention to where it can do some good! To acquire the information that the moment has for you, you must be in it! ~ The Visionaries (loudly!)
Make it a cozy home for your Soul by loving yourself deeply … find that comfort of loving yourself well … open up your Love reservoirs within and let them splash all over you. Every breath is the expression of loving yourself more. Just go on and love yourself. ~ The Girls
Next week is a portal ~ Eloheim
01-06-10 – 100 minutes ~ first appearance of The Girls
Visionaries: Is the highest expression of you sitting in the chair here with us tonight? “What does it mean to be my complete self?” Nothing in your world is more vital and important to your experience than what is immediately expressed in your moment.
The Girls (first appearance): There comes a time, there comes a time, there comes a time when the feminine energy needs to be entered into this circle, don’t you think? So just go on and love yourself. Every little bit of you is lovable.
Eloheim: It’s win-win or I won’t. Managing your emanation. Fingertip tool. You want your life to change- twenty minutes a day just sit in fascination. The distinction between interesting and fascinating. Your external world is reflecting your internal world.

Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010
November, 2009
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ELOHEIM: New Tool for Finding the Truth ~ VISIONARIES 11-18-09
Hello everyone from rainy Sonoma!
The meeting this week was an intimate affair. I took some time before the channeling started to chat about what has been going on in my life primarily having to do with (gasp) DATING!
The Visionaries took this ‘truth drop’ as an opening to discuss how to truthfully express the moment. This lead into a new tool for revealing the authentic nature of the ensouled self.
A completely new perspective on the things that you don’t want anyone else to know.
When truth is told authentically…it has a great magnetizing force.
In this moment, there is no future, there is only a moment where you can tell yourself a truth. Sit in the moment of, “This is true about my life.”
What are you using to show the world instead of showing the world this truth of you?
The video includes the Visionaries walking you through the new tool and Eloheim adding their insights.
I couldn’t fit it into the video, but at the end of the meeting there is a very funny Eloheim-talks-about-aliens section.
11-18-09 62 minutes
Visionaries: Talked about telling the truth about ourselves, and in doing so, discovering the static that lies between living as our complete beings. Gave us some pointers on what to do when the truths we reveal to ourselves seem overwhelming.
Eloheim: Discussed a companion tool for “What is true now,”—“What am I afraid of?” Further discussed ways to discover and heal the static in our lives. Closed with a “fun” question about the Pope talking about aliens!
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009