This clip is from the 10-15-08 meeting. Often Eloheim opens our meetings with a talk which typically last 30 minutes or so. This meeting they left the subject up to the group. One of the participants asked a question about music. He wondered if music exists in other types of incarnations or even on a Soul level.

This subject led into a very interesting discussion about communication. The clip I chose describes Vibrational Communication and how we communicate Soul to Soul. Eloheim speaks to Margaret Henderson who opens and closes our meetings with intutive sounds. Eloheim describes how sound healing works and talks about the potential that exists within that modality.

When you are generating vibrations from your entire being and it is not limited to language, but is actually infused consciousness….this is the ability to communicate vibrationally.

When your vibration gets high, you emanate ripples of high vibration. Imagine that you were actually able to modulate and, in essence, control those ripples that you send out. Then you have a completely new level of communication available to you which is modeled on the communication style you use as a Soul.

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