Hello everyone,

The Eloheim channeling of May 13, 2009 was one of the, ‘clearing up loose ends’ type of meetings. Sometimes we have meetings where they introduce new topics, sometimes we have meetings where the entire time is one long conversation about a specific subject, and sometimes we have meetings where they just seem to address all sorts of things. The most recent meeting was one of the latter.

The video is from the beginning of the meeting. Just before this clip, Eloheim was talking about my reaction to the recent Tobias message about Tobias coming back into the body. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it. I found it really powerful to read about Tobias’ experiences. It made me feel better about the challenges I experience in the ascension process!
Here is a link to the Tobias website. They call their meetings Shouds. Shoud 10 is the one I am referring to.

The last two weeks have found me having a strong physical reaction to the channelings. This has happened in the past so I know it was pass, but WOW Thursday’s have been intense. Mostly me lying flat on the couch!

You want your life to be different but what you are really saying is, “I just want this to go away.” Nothing just goes away. It doesn’t work that way. It either goes away but it gets put in the queue to come up again or you stay in it until you transform it.

What you are IN you’re IN to transform! What you are IN you’re IN to experience.

The desire to “make it go away” is a coping mechanism for the challenges that a conscious life presents.

When you want something to ‘just go away’ that is the big red alert that habit is attempting to run the show.

What are you rushing, what are you trying to avoid, and what do you want to skip?

The thing you are trying to skip feels impossible, but it is just showing you new possibilities. It is seeing it from a new perspective.

What is it that I can embrace right now to have this situation be more deeply informing my journey?

What crayon is best (for my highest growth) right now?

5-13-09 95 minutes

Tobias is coming into body to experience the ascension
–What you are in, you’re in to transform- You are training for a marathon; rest, take care of your body
-Core Emotion work- You are not alone- people can help you to relate to situations-You must decide for yourself to do it.
-I heal myself that others can be stronger
-I am connected to safety
-Over languaging
-I am developing trust
-Fear of not feeling plugged in
-Fear of new experiences
-Feels safe in group environments
-Hopeful/hopeless find balance
-Fear of being alone
The healed version of these core emotion statements uses different words.
-Transformation is about using a different part of your brain.
-Connect to your body
-Read energetic billboards of others
-Stay in your own vibrational state-avoid going to their level-build a bridge
-You can ask for help, but be clear about what you want help with-not general statement.
-DETECTABLE INPUT-Your soul will communicate with you-pay attention.
-open to the paradigm to see the crayons being offered.


Audio recordings of the four meetings held in May 2009.


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