Hello everyone,
The May 6, 2009 channeling meeting found Eloheim FIRED UP. I was a bit hoarse after the meeting and that is always a sign that they had a lot to say. Whew! The energetics of May 2009 are Go or No Go. We are really at a point of choice.

Here are quotes from the clip:

I have learned all I need to learn about living this way and I am ready for a new way of living to be the way I live. That means that each time an opportunity comes up you are more emphatically choosing the new paradigm and more emphatically releasing the habitual response.

You are making a boundary with yourself!

Habit is not who I am!

When habit gets to tell you who you are, the scenery doesn’t change!

5-6-09 107 minutes
Open up to the Possibilities of the Moment
You are early adapters to the shifting consciousness
The GO NO GO time-similar to rocket taking off are things a go or a no-go?
Each and every experience is considered a success
TOOL -Answer the question you wish they would have asked.
-someone asks you a deflating question-answer them with the answer to the question you wish they would have asked you instead.
-Healing your core emotion gets you what your un-healed core emotion kept from you.
-I am open to new possibilities.
-Cosmos energetics all around intensifying like a pressure cooker.
-Ask the cosmos to give you back the awe of this experience.
-Eloheim discusses the time variances that the group has been going through.
-Ask for more crayons in order to realize the expansiveness of each moment-Savor the moments no such thing as a mundane moment. Part of Living in Bliss is realizing that every moment is the Golden Ticket. You may be standing in line, but that just means that you are about to get on a ride!!


Audio recordings of the four meetings held in May 2009.


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