I am often asked if I remember what I channel. The answer is, sort of.

When the channeling is happening a variety of things occur. Sometimes I feel very present in my body, sometimes I feel like I am sitting in one of the chairs in the circle listening along with everyone else, sometimes I realize that my mouth is moving and sound is coming out but I wasn’t aware of it for a period of time, sometimes I can’t recall how they began a sentence when they get to the end of it.

It is always different and often odd and completely wonderful all at the same time.

Lately, it is becoming increasingly clear that I don’t remember very much of the actual language of the channeling. I remember the energetics, I can say, WOW, the beginning of the meeting last week was incredible but, I don’t recall what was actually said.

As we are working on two books right now, the transcribers send me quotes and paragraphs pretty regularly. This is a huge wake up for me. I find myself saying, ‘WHOA that is cool’ all the time!

Of everything I have been sent so far, this is the one that really gave me the big AHA. I have been channeling Eloheim weekly for almost seven years now. This quote puts many of their teachings into context. It shows how they have been taking us step by step as we move along the path of Ascension.

This quote came out of a private session, so even the folks that attend the weekly meeting haven’t seen it.

Living from the soul’s perspective, of course, is only achievable by being in the moment.

And being in the moment is really only achievable by not having baggage with you in the moment.

And not having baggage in the moment is only achievable by becoming conscious of your baggage.

And becoming conscious of what’s going on in the moment is only possible if you’re willing to break habits.

And breaking habits is only possible if you’re willing to confront the biology that says, “Change is too scary.”

And confronting the biology is only possible if you have courage.

So it starts with the courage to say, “Life can be different”.

And once you have the courage to say, “Life can be different”,

then you confront the biology

and then you become conscious

and then you start seeing where your baggage is

and then you release your baggage,

then you are in the moment,

and because by then your vibration is so high,

the moment allows you access to your soul,

to the Akashic Records, and to a completely different way of living

which is being in the body but living from your soul’s perspective.
~ Eloheim