These are the opening comments from the 12-3-08 meeting. Eloheim references my lost keys several times in this clip. If you haven’t had a chance to read about my experience with the lost keys, you might like to read this post:

ELOHEIM: An Interesting Learning Experience

The focus of this clip is the transformational journey we are on as we grow Spiritually. It includes specific suggestions and ideas about how to create and embrace transformation. Additionally, they address the energetics of divorce, moving, and changing jobs.

Here are some quotes from the clips:

Change needs to happen so that you know change is happening!

Your life can not maintain its current status quo and have transformation be part of it.

Your life pathways are being rewritten by your choice for transformation….so you are demanding, by your inner choices, that your external world reflect to you the transformational process you are in.

On your journey…make room for things to be different than they have been.

It is more subtle, constant, and day to day, than it is drastic transformational activities.

There are all kinds of places in your life where you can make big changes by starting with small changes.