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January, 2017

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Case Study: Friendships Abruptly Changing

Eloheim and I are going to respond to real world examples of places that feel stuck and confusing for folks. My hope is that this will allow you to see how Eloheim’s teachings can work in your life!

Last year a few of my long term friends have decided to suddenly cut me out of their lives. Although I am able to respect their choice, I have a hard time comprehending their reasons, as I know myself to be a very loyal friend. There was no overt reason that I could see, nothing was communicated. I feel I am in a loop where I try to understand them for being able to simply turn away from a friendship after decades of shared experiences. It triggers a pattern that speaks of being unwanted and my knee jerk reaction is to withdraw into myself.

Ah, I know from personal experience how painful and confusing this one is!

The nature of relationship seems to be changing. I’ve found myself having profoundly short (as in the time it take to pump gas into my car!) relationships that I even grieve a bit for even though they don’t have any of the hallmarks of a traditional relationship. I mean, I didn’t even talk to this person! I just pumped gas near him and I felt like we had an entire relationship during those few minutes. The first time it happened, it really unnerved me. Now, I try to be super present in all of these brief encounters as they are revealing so much more than they used to.

Your description is quite different of course. You had long-standing connections with these folks. The Eloheim teaching that helps me the most in situations like this is: We Are No Longer a Match. Acknowledging that we have become mismatched gives my brain something to do in the absence of knowing the answer to

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, “Why?!?”

People grow and evolve (or don’t) and can become energetically mismatched.

Here is a page from the booklet of our Levels of Creating deck describing Level 5: This Experience is Mine. In it, Eloheim reminds us that friendships change as we evolve.

You also said:

It triggers a pattern that speaks of being unwanted and my knee jerk reaction is to withdraw into myself.

Try the Look out the Window tool when you get stuck in this pattern of only seeing the rejection. It’s a different way of using this tool; I suspect it will be helpful. It’s so easy to fixate on the confusing parts of our lives. This tool helps you see the more that is also present.

Look out the Window

Many people have said to us, “Nothing changes in my life. I don’t feel abundant and I don’t know how to be in the moment.” This one tool with help with all three issues!

Each day spend some time gazing out the same window. It’s great to try and do this at the same time each day, but it’s not essential that you do. As you gaze out the window, require yourself to notice something that you have never noticed before. It may be something obvious, like a bird on a branch or it may be something more subtle, like the shade of green in the leaves or a shadow on the sidewalk. At first, you may be tempted to say that nothing has changed; however, there IS something different. Look deeper.

This practice will help you recognize the changes that are constantly occurring all around you. Developing these new neural pathways will make it easier for you to recognize the changes that are happening in YOUR life.

Each time you look out the window you will notice more and more aspects of your world. As you start to see your surroundings as “full” you will begin to notice fullness in other parts of your life as well. As you see the abundance in one area of your life, you will learn to see the abundance that surrounds you in all areas of your life.

This practice asks you to hold still and BE. Be sure to notice your body relaxing as you take this time. It’s a lovely way to be self-loving and access the moment.

We suggest teaching this tool to children. They will grasp it immediately.

It’s also super important not to beat yourself up as a result of these changed relationships. Eloheim has only ever given us one rule: Don’t be mean to yourself

Don’t Be Mean to Yourself (Four-Year-Old Child)

If there’s something you genuinely want to change about yourself, you don’t have to be mean to yourself in order to change it. Take a moment and let that sink in. You don’t have to be mean to yourself to change.

You don’t berate a child about learning to walk, or talk, or write. You say, “Hey, it’s OK, let’s try it again.”

Yet, you will be extremely critical of yourself at nearly any opportunity.

How do you know if you are being mean to yourself? If you’re talking to yourself in a voice that you wouldn’t use with a four-year-old child, especially somebody else’s four-year-old child, you’re being mean to yourself.

When you find yourself being hard on yourself, simply ask, “Would I say this to a pre-schooler?”

No, you would not.

It’s OK to have a new plan or to desire something different for the future or to reevaluate how you handled a situation; that’s all growth. But beating yourself up is so contrary to everything we teach that we have made it our only rule: You don’t get to be mean to yourself.

Oh, and be aware that someday soon we are going to evolve this tool. Someday soon, we are going to lower the age. It will be, “You can’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a toddler or an infant.” Since you can be fascinated by EVERYTHING an infant does (Oh look, it’s a poo poo!), you can, eventually, be fascinated by anything YOU do, as well. Imagine that!

In the end, you may never understand why your friends made this decision. I find comfort in this Eloheim idea:

If thinking could have solved it, it would have solved it long ago because you sure have thought about it enough.

Remember: Understanding is overrated

You’ve been taught that “understanding” is a worthy goal. You use your amazing brain to “wrap your mind around” something until you understand it. We say “understanding is overrated” to remind you that understanding something with your mind isn’t the only way you can interact with it. There is a vast amount of insight from your soul that you can access on any subject. Reminding yourself that “understanding is overrated” will help you break the habit of limited thinking and remember to open to your soul’s perspective.

Continue to grow and invest in yourself! As you do this, you will magnetize people who resonate with the current version of you. People who appreciate and desire to connect to your truth. People who value what you value now.

Many Blessings,
Veronica & Eloheim

In 2014, we made the Levels of Creating Deck.


Learn To Create Your Reality

Create the Life of Your Dreams!

The Levels of Creating offer step-by-step instruction

Heal the pain of your past
Improve your relationships
Clarify decision making
Open to abundance
Feel better at work
Truly enjoy your life

IMG_2634I have been channeling Eloheim for twelve years.

For the first nine years, I feel I was getting ready to channel this material.

For the next three years, I channeled this specific material.

For the last six months, I have been birthing this material into the physical.

It’s incredibly powerful and I’m thrilled to share it with you!

~ Veronica

Beautifully designed and offers a clear method for getting away from old habits and repetitive thinking. It’s easy to follow and can lift your mood in no time!

Many people ask, “I know I create my reality, but why did I create this?” Still others are trapped in a cycle of feeling like a victim and beating themselves up for not being able to break out of that pattern.

The Levels of Creating offers step-by-step guidance, helps you change habits, and move into the life you have always dreamed of.

Every experience includes the potential of each Level.
Which Level are you in?

Received by email.

I just got my create reality cards in the mail and I’m playing with them right now! So exciting!

It’s already working.

I’m watching a Level 2 belief, “I’m too fat to teach yoga at Studio X,” change to Level 3 “Because I have created these extra pounds. I have failed myself and I won’t get hired,” change to Level 4 “I’m tempted to be mean to myself about my weight, but I am going to choose differently.” WOW!!

I replied asking if I could quote her and received this response:

Yes absolutely you can quote me and you can even add my progress Level 5 “Look how interesting my creation is – how can I work with this?”

This entire process happened within a matter of minutes!


This guide will show you how to find the Level you are currently in and how to move out of that Level into a fresh experience of this moment.

Level 1: Duality
Level 2: Victimhood
Level 3: I Create My Reality and I Don’t Like What I’ve Created
Level 4: I Choose My Reactions to My Experiences
Level 5: This Experience Is Mine
Level 6: What Trigger?

The Set Includes:
88 Cards
20 Page guide
Bonus:Travel Set


You can order the deck WITH or WITHOUT the cardboard box. As this is a print on demand product, we have a lot of flexibility. The box is one of the more expensive components. If you are happy to find your own box or bag to keep the cards in, you can save $5!

NO BOX – cards and booklet only

Price: $31.99

FULL SET – box, cards and booklet

Price: $36.99

Case Study: Feeling Ignored

Eloheim and I are going to respond to real world examples of places that feel stuck and confusing for folks. My hope is that this will allow you to see how Eloheim’s teachings can work in your life!

still struggling with people deliberately living past me.. ignoring me completely. it emotionally hurts and I get stuck in attempting to get a response. or some clarity to the void they offer… being kind, curious but getting nothing in return leading to hurt and anger and oversharing and out of character behaviour to get a response. always returning for more emotional neglect ..like it is an unfinished project. it leads to an enormous waste of time and effort.. low self-worth. and oversharing..unhealthy it mostly happens with shallow selfish assholes that pride themselves in being unbothered towards you.. I slowly become hostile and rotten towards them..I’d rather live past them. stuck.

Thanks for sharing!

I can really feel the challenge as I read your words.

Whenever people report experiences that repeat over and over as you have (always returning for more emotional neglect, unfinished project, etc) I suspect that the Core Emotion is involved. Plus, over the years I’ve developed a bit of a 6th sense for when people are speaking from their Unhealed Core Emotion and that sense was screaming as I read your share.

Here is a two minute audio clip of Eloheim introducing the Core Emotion to a private session client.

Your core emotion is unique to you and unique to this lifetime. I have been working with my core emotion since 2004 and it still reveals powerful opportunities for transformation on a regular basis. It is the key to so much of my personal growth. It is quite common for people to report that a Core Emotion session changes their lives in less than an hour. Email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for details about Core Emotion sessions.

Becoming conscious of your core emotion often answers questions along the lines of:

“Why does this keep happening?”
“Why do I always react that way even when I know it isn’t for my highest good?”
“Why do I feel stuck all the time?”

Awareness of the core emotion also tends to answer long standing questions like:

“Why did that relationship end the way it did?”
“Why didn’t that job work out?”

Eloheim will walk you through a step-by-step process which they have designed which allows them to determine your core emotion, to show you how it is showing up in your life now, and to teach you how to transform your relationship to it. Your unhealed core emotion can feel like a burden, however your healed core emotion is your greatest asset. Such powerful work!! Email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for details about Core Emotion sessions.

Other things to keep in mind

You said: it mostly happens with shallow selfish assholes

Here is one of Eloheim’s ideas that’s be quite comforting to me over the years:

4 billion
There are at least 4 billion people on the planet who won’t agree with you, won’t like you, or will never meet you. This number is likely underestimated. When we say, “Oh, you have found one of the 4 billion,” it is not to dismiss or diminish their views, but to comfort you that this is a common phenomenon and put it into a perspective that hopefully helps you manage any triggers that come up. The energetics of this idea are similar to saying, “There are other fish in the sea.”

It feels like you are waiting for one of these folks to validate or permit you to be your truth. Choosing to interact with these types of people has the energy of “giving away your wax.”

Candle Wax (Nobody Gets Your Wax)

This tool is based on an analogy: You are a candle. You can share your flame—your emanation—but don’t give away your wax—never, never, never, never. If you give away your wax, you give away yourself; who you are is diminished.

Your wax is that core amount of attention, of rest, of nourishment, of peace, of quiet, of meditation, of walking, of dancing, of whatever it is that you know feeds you as a person and keeps you whole. You’ve been letting pieces of these things go to other people because you thought, “Well, if they’re happy, I’ll be happy.” Or you thought, “If they’re happy, at least I won’t be so distracted by their needs.” The truth is this drains you and you’ll be further drained if you continue.

The first step is to set boundaries so that the people you’re giving your wax to don’t get any more wax. This change often elicits a strong reaction from others. It’s common for them to throw fits, call you selfish, or call you other names. Don’t allow their reaction to cause you to return to giving away your wax; that’s an unsustainable path.

Boundaries don’t mean: “I don’t love you anymore.” Boundaries mean: “To have love to give, I have to love myself first. I can’t give from this drained place. I have to give from a whole place.” If you keep giving from weakness, eventually you’ll have nothing left; but if you set boundaries, you rejuvenate yourself. When you drop service mentality and take care of yourself first, you’re able to offer something extraordinary. The candle is lit and the flame is giving off light. When you love yourself well, it’s like putting the candle on the windowsill so everyone can see its light.

Reorient your focus to YOUR experience of YOU!

What Is True Now?

Asking yourself, “What is true now?” is a way of coming into and staying connected to the moment. Answer the question with obvious things: I’m wearing blue pants. It’s Tuesday. I’m sitting down. The sun is shining. Use whatever you find yourself noticing.

This is a powerful way to interrupt habitual patterns and can be used anywhere and at any time. What is true now? I’m lying in bed. I’m driving the car. I’m holding a spoon.

Each time you do this, you bring yourself out of the hamster-wheel mind and into the now.

Additionally, “What is true now?” will also help you connect to your soul’s insight.

Once you are in the moment, further inquiry can lead to answers that are not coming from your mind. What is true now begins to be answered by an “aha” from the soul.

By asking yourself what is true now constantly, you’re creating a very quick way to become present in the moment and you’re developing a strong connection between you and your soul.

If what is true now is answered by a sentence of, say, more than say 10 words, it’s your mind. An “aha” from the soul is going to be shorter than that. It doesn’t need to be lengthy because it’s not processed by the mind. It’s an energetic truth expressed briefly in order to really sink in. If what is true now starts to have a lengthy explanation, suspect that the mind is encroaching on the soul’s turf and ask the mind to shut up.

When used with consistency and consciousness, what is true now can be used to uncover unconscious coping mechanisms and lies that you tell yourself.

Remember! You are a chooser and you are choosing how much of your attention you give to these interactions.

Choose and Choose Again

The transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system is not done in a straight line. You must choose and choose again for transformation. Habit is very strong; the survival instinct runs very deep; cultural and DNA pressures are intense. Your choice to grow spiritually requires spiritual discipline and persistence. It is an act of committing and recommitting to the journey.

Remember: Fear (and habit) is a choice, not a mandate.

Thanks again for sharing your story!

Click here to learn more about Eloheim’s tools.

More on the Core Emotion

I had a session with Eloheim where I got to work out what my core emotion is for this lifetime. Wow! Talk about eye opening! It was definitely an Ah-ha moment. Just from asking some key questions, Eloheim was able to put together the core emotion from my answers. It was like getting the most important pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Once they are in place you can see the big picture.

Looking over the past 46 years, I can see how my core emotion has been managing my relationships with family, friends and even my pets. I could sense there was a pattern, but I couldn’t figure out to make things better or even what the issue really was.

Because of this session, I now know what I need to work on and how to address it so that I can be more successful in my relationships. Because of my work with Eloheim, I now have a mantra that reminds me of my past patterns involving my core emotion and allows me to step outside the pattern and do things in a better, healthier way.

It’s almost a relief, because it feels as if I have moved to a different level that involves more self love

, and that is okay. My session with Eloheim couldn’t have come at a better time. I had been struggling with some friendships that had run their course. After this session, I was able to make the decision to move on in a healthy positive way.

Thank you Eloheim for all your help, and thank you Veronika for having the courage to bring Eloheim to us.

TP – Medford, OR

I felt very light and worry free after my core emotion session with Eloheim. . .it’s all for me and I now know how to frame my experiences to better understand what is being shown to me for my learning. Intellectually, I know other people and their behaviors/judgments don’t define me, and now I feel it differently – have encompassed it in a deeper way. I feel safe in myself in a new way. And now I have this tool, specifically for me thru knowledge of my core emotion, to help me be my authentic self when I’m tempted to evaluate myself thru the actions of others. I am so grateful for this experience. Thank you, Veronica and Eloheim! Kim

I deeply enjoyed my Core Emotion Session with Eloheim.

They are easy to talk to and their advice is very grounded and practical.

Finding out about my Core Emotion was immensely helpful for me. It explains a lot of situations in my past to me – why I reacted in a special way and what I can do now to change things. I already began to implement different techniques and my interactions with people became A LOT easier and more pleasant because I am now very clear about “how I tick.” That is a huge improvement for me!!!

After the session my life started to become more enjoyable and a lot of magic is taking place. I simply love it and I can recommend Eloheim very much. I also love the tools they share – they changed my life!!!!

Lots of love and thank you Veronica for making it all possible!
Diana in Austria

Case Study One

Eloheim and I are going to respond to real world examples of places that feel stuck and confusing for folks. My hope is that this will allow you to see how Eloheim’s work would work in your life!

My former husband has asked to borrow money from me and I have said NO 3 times. I have been divorced for two years. I know of no means of him paying me back anytime soon.

I feel guilt and it feels like shame as well.

He says I’m coming from lack by saying No and that brings up the guilt.

I feel it’s a smart decision to not open a door I have closed and have finally moved forward.

Thanks for sharing!

My first response is that it takes quite a lot of gall for him to accuse YOU being in lack while asking you for a loan! I mean, you have ABUNDANCE enough for him to imagine you are a good source of funds.

Two Eloheim teachings come to mind right away:

This one you are already mostly doing. YEAH!!

“No” is a Complete Sentence / Say “No” First

This tool allows you to set a boundary or state a preference without feeling the need to justify or make excuses for your position. You are not responsible for others’ reactions to your choices. Stating a preference is an act of free will.

A fascinating way to learn about boundaries, preferences, and “What is true now?” is to say “no” first. Just give it a try! Someone calls you up and asks you to go out. Say “no” first.

If you are habitually saying “yes” to keep other people happy, try saying “no” and seeing how it makes you feel. The result we have seen is that being able to just say “no” is incredibly liberating. Importantly, it gives you the time to actually find out how you feel. When you say “no” first, you can then consider your feelings on the matter without the pressure of having the question hanging over your head.

If you decide that you actually do want to participate—–because YOU want to, not just to make another person happy—you can always call back and say you changed your mind.

“No, period” is a complete sentence. You don’t have to explain. There is no need for a lie, an excuse, or even other plans. If you are asked, “Why?” you can say, “It’s just not right for me.”

If they don’t respect that, well, that is something very good to know about them, isn’t it?


Seems to me that you already know you don’t want to act from service mentality.

Service Mentality From the introduction to our book The Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 2

Service mentality is the mistaken idea that you should put another’s journey before yours; believing your needs are secondary to others’ needs; the idea that “doing good in the world” comes before caring for yourself.

The most powerful way you can be in the world is by loving yourself well and then walking your life from the place of loving yourself well. When you love yourself well, you give the greatest gift you have to give, and that’s your uniqueness emanating. Until you love yourself well, you’re not really giving a gift. You’re simply doing. You’re doing and doing and doing in the world. But there’s no flavor. There’s no taste.
Healthy service is asking, “How can I emanate the highest possible vibration?”

If you choose to offer yourself in service, the first step is to ask your soul for insight, “What is it that best serves me in serving others, in offering myself to others? What serves me first, where will I grow the most?” You want to be in the most conscious frame of mind possible in order to interact at the highest vibrational level possible. Your emanation is your true gift.

Through the act of loving yourself, you give the gift of the truth of you to this world. There is no truth of you until it includes loving yourself. It doesn’t exist. “Empty calories” is a way to say it.

We see folks putting themselves out there in the world saying, “I want everyone to feel better, to feel happier, to have more, to be in a good space.” The idea is that taking care of everyone else first is going to be the path to your own bliss, your own peace, your own joy. We have not seen this work well long-term.

People who live to serve others appear energetically drained because their own needs have not been precious to them. They’re missing the core amount of attention, of rest, of nourishment, of peace, of quiet, of meditation, of walking, or dancing, whatever it is that feeds them as a person and keeps them whole. Folks in service mentality have been letting pieces of those things go to other people because they think, “Well, if they’re happy I’ll be happy or if they’re happy at least I won’t be so distracted by their needs.”

The path out of this is to set boundaries. Boundaries don’t mean: “I don’t love you anymore.” Boundaries mean: “I have to love myself first so I have extra love to give. I can’t give from this place. I have to give from a whole place.” If you keep giving from weakness, eventually you will have nothing left. If you set boundaries, you will rejuvenate yourself.

Unhealthy service mentality can be highly triggered when there are large “disasters.” You see something on the news and you think, “Oh my God, those people, they don’t have any place to live.” You look in your checkbook and you send off whatever you can send off and you think, “I wish I could do more.” If you feel that your money, time, or skills are the only way to “serve,” then you will often be frustrated. Remember, healthy service is asking, “How can I emanate the highest possible vibration?”

Investing in your energetic and raising your vibration is really the way you meet your desire to help the world. The key here is that you realize that as you raise your vibration and live more consciously, your awareness of others’ needs will expand yet your ability to physically interact with their needs will not. Use your free will to decide where you want to physically interact with others. How you manage your reaction to the areas where you are aware of the needs of others, yet cannot physically interact with them, is a spiritual challenge best handled by becoming more conscious which raises your vibration and increases your emanation.

It may be tempting to be so overwhelmed by the many “problems” in the world that you do nothing, including not work on yourself. We remind you, emanating your truth into the world is powerfully transformative. That’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to the world.


I feel you actually have clarity about how you want to handle this situation. The residual guilt seems to be habitual response to acting on your clarity.

This Emotion is a Choice

One of the best ways to practice this tool is when you’re watching TV or a movie—one of those things that are very, very carefully designed to elicit a certain emotion in you. Be very aware of the fact that you’re being manipulated. Recognize that the emotion you’re having is an emotion that has many layers to it. One layer is manipulated creation and another layer is habit and another layer is authentic empathy with the person or situation.

Let yourself have the emotion, but know why you’re having it. If all of a sudden you feel sad or upset and you don’t know why you’re feeling that way, then ask yourself, “Is there any good reason to be having this emotion? And if there isn’t, then what can I ascertain about the state I’m in? This emotion has no basis in the reality of this moment.”

Your society places a lot of credence in “dealing with your emotions


,” without any real investigation of what you’re feeling or why, or that you have any choice in the matter. This is where our example of the math problem comes in. What if we say, “What’s 9,897,209.5 times 8,239,203?” You wouldn’t take the first number that comes to mind as the right answer. Yet you’ll take the first emotion that comes in as an indisputably correct position. If you find yourself in an emotion that doesn’t seem actually relevant to the moment, be kind to yourself about it. Just remind yourself, “Oh yeah, that’s right, the first emotion that trips along isn’t necessarily the one I want to run with.”



If you feel you need more support on the subject, we did an entire talk on Guilt and Shame. Click here for details.


It really seems to me that you have a LOT of clarity and now you just need to hold firm in that clarity.

Who Answers the Door?

A practical example:
The ex-boyfriend is banging on the front door. You go to answer it, but you don’t want to talk to him. Ask yourself, “Who answers the door?”

Does the four-year-old who’s looking for her daddy’s approval answer the door? Does the 20-year-old who just wants a boyfriend because she doesn’t want to be alone answer the door? Does the 40-year-old who doesn’t want to be divorced answer the door? Or does the you of the now, that knows that guy shouldn’t be in your life, answer the door? Who answers the door? You decide that.

This tool is empowering because you say, “OK, I’m not bringing the 4-, 20-, or 40-year-old into this. The current version of me knows that I no longer want this guy in my life. The current version of me can say, ‘No’.” The four-year-old probably wouldn’t be able to say no because the four-year-old’s still looking for daddy to make it right. The 20-year-old still feels like she did something wrong, so she’s going to have a hard time saying no. The 40-year-old’s feeling like he might be her last chance at love, so she’s not turning him away.

But in the moment where you bring your high-vibrational self together and you look at that person and you say, “In this moment, with who I am right now, this situation is not OK, and you need to leave. Off you go. The door’s getting locked behind you.” And then you turn the ringer off on the phone and you just sit with the fact that you actually made a decision based on who you are today. That’s where you give yourself the gift of being who you are today and living your life from who you are today, rather than allowing old baggage from the past or projecting into the future.

Using this tool with family members:
A lot of times, when you’re working with biological relatives, the stuff that you’re learning about is the stuff from when you were five. However, now you’re 40 and you’re still doing your five-year-old stuff, often from a five-year-old’s perspective. Work on the issue when you’re 40 as a forty-year-old, rather than, “I’m 40 but I’m acting like I’m five, which I’ve been doing for 35 years with my mom.” This gives you a better chance of success, or a different chance of success—of actually learning and growing and becoming more of who you are.

Yes, you can say, “There’s something for me to learn here, but my God, me as a 40-year-old trying to act like an eight-year-old with my mom who is now 70, is not working.” It’s not working and you have the right to say, “I want to learn this some other way.”

This is loving yourself, giving yourself permission to set boundaries across your life. Set the boundaries you need to set in order to give yourself the best chance at learning what it is you desire to learn.


Use the current version of you to stand firm in your clarity!

Thanks again for sharing your story.
All of the tools in this case study are included in the books listed below.

Tools for Transformation


Eloheim is best known for their dozens of easy-to-apply tools that offer life-changing support for personal transformation.

The Choice for Consciousness: Tools for Consciousness Living series offers step-by-step tools to show you how to break unhealthy habits and discard victim mentality so that you can fully embrace the truth of the statement, “I CREATE MY REALITY!”

Volume one of the series contains 22 tools which help you recognize where you are experiencing victim hood. With that awareness, you can begin to live as a creator.

Volume two’s
16 tools help you to live as a creator of your life by illuminating your relationship to the moment. This will empower you to create the life you have always dreamed of.

Volume three includes 15 tools to help you learn to fully take responsibility for your reactions to your creations thus living the life of a creator. The tools fall into four categories: • Readiness for change • Managing your energy • Seeing things a new way • New relationship to money


eBook Bundle

ebook contains all three Choice for Consciousness books and 90 minute BONUS video of Eloheim explaining the tools

Price: $5.00

Or order the ebook from Amazon here



CFC 1-3 print

Paperback Bundle

All three of our paperback Choice for Consciousness books

$30 including shipping (in the US, outside of the US, please email veronica@rontor.com for a shipping quote)

Price: $30.00


Eloheim Tools

Card Deck

53 cards, one for each tool in our three Choice for Consciousness books

Shipping will be added at check out

Price: $24.99


New Year, New YOU!

New Year, New You – Where to begin?

Wishing you could do it all differently this year? Is it time for a fresh start? All too often you imagine that you must change everything in order to get anything new. This feels overwhelming and impossible. It typically results in you feeling worse rather than better.

The path out of this trap is to break it down into smaller pieces. Any change starts the ball rolling and gets you one step closer to your new life. Tiny changes add up fast and result in real transformation. It all begins with becoming aware of your options.

Imagine that you hear a knock at the front door. You look out and see that it’s someone you really don’t want to speak with. In that moment, you need to decide which aspect of you will answer the door. Will it be the part of you that wants to “be nice”? Will it be the part of you that knows how to set a boundary? Will it be the part of you that doesn’t want to be alone so will settle for any company? Will you simply leave the door unanswered? Who will it be?

Each of these scenarios has a completely different result. In each, you are the chooser; you set the course for the moments to follow. By choosing your reactions to your experiences, you affect the unfolding of your life. Sometimes it may seem like you don’t have a choice, that your reactions “just happen.” It may be that some behaviors are nearly automatic. That’s okay. Just catch yourself as often as you can. When you need to make a decision, ask, “Who is reacting now?” or “Which part of me do I want to respond to this?” Try to let the most centered, balanced part of you be the chooser in any moment.

Choosing your responses in conversation is a very important application of this idea. Keep in mind, you don’t have to have an answer. “I don’t know” is a valid response. You are not required to be an expert in everything. It’s very kind to give yourself a moment to really check in with what you are feeling, to find the centered part of you, and then to respond. Try saying, “I don’t know” and feel how it takes the pressure off. It allows you the opportunity to actually connect to what your truth is in the moment.

Another option is to just say, “No.” No is a complete sentence and a fine answer. There’s no reason to explain your, “No.” Say “No,” and let it stand at that. Once you are not under the pressure to respond, you may find that you have something more to add. That’s great. If you decide to say more, you can; however, “No” works nicely on its own.

You also get to choose when it comes to your workplace. Are you unhappy with your job? Find one small thing you can change. Walk to your desk a new way, park in a different part of the lot, answer the phone with your opposite hand, or twirl your chair each time you take a seat. Each day (or more often if you would like) add something new to the experience. Find ways that amuse or entertain you. Never believe that little changes can’t cause a big shift; start small, be consistent, and marvel at how the overall experience transforms.

This type of experimentation works in your home as well. Feeling stagnant? Rearrange the furniture! This requires you to navigate your home differently which is a sure way to disrupt old patterns. The fresh start you are looking for can start right there in your kitchen. Mix up the way things are currently organized. Put the glasses in the cupboard where the plates are typically stored and change where you place things in the refrigerator. Each time you need something, you will have a non-habitual experience of it. It’s a very straightforward way to generate change.

Now, you might imagine this won’t be a very efficient way to operate in your kitchen as you catch yourself over and over again looking in the old spot for things you need. Efficiency isn’t the goal here; finding easy ways to make small changes is the goal. Those small changes add up to you living differently. As you change, your life changes around you. Rejoice each time you catch yourself being habitual; each time you catch yourself, you will be able to create a new pattern.

Just as a sculptor chips away small pieces of marble to reveal the statue that has always been inside the block

, your small changes will unveil the life you desire. You are a chooser! Choose to be kind to yourself as you make the shift into the new you.

Veronica Torres is the channel for Eloheim and the Council. Eloheim is known for their practical, actionable tools for personal transformation. Jump start your evolution to Homo spiritus now at https://www.eloheim.com/introduction.

Eloheim’s 2017 New Year’s Day Message

We started off 2017 with a live Eloheim channeling!

Learn about our 2017 Retreat at Sea https://www.eloheim.com/2017-retreat-at-sea/
Book private sessions with Eloheim https://www.eloheim.com/shopping/meeting-schedule-private-sessions/
Join as a subscriber to hear all of our sessions

Join our Face Book group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectwitheloheim/


December, 2016

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Special Message from the Matriarch

I channeled the Matriarch to close out our first Ignite Insight Parenting Support Circle.

Audio player

Audio download
Matriarch – Ignite Insight #1

2017 Ignite Insight Events are scheduled for:

Apr 2nd
June 4th
Sept 10th
Nov 12th


Thrive Center for Birth & Family Wellness – Santa Rosa
4859 Old Redwood Hwy

, Santa Rosa, California 95403

$20, no one turned away for lack of funds

Preparing for birth, going through labor, and parenting children of all ages is a challenging endeavor! Could you use some support?

Veronica Torres brings an incredible gift: her tools for transformation gleaned from years channeling Eloheim and the Council. Elizabeth Erickson contributes the healing vibrations of her cello and her experience mothering her three children. Both have a passion for uncovering deep truths, crafting analogies, and helping others to shine.

Each support circle will open with an original improvisation by Elizabeth on cello. All participants are then invited (but not required) to share their current challenges and ask for support. Each circle will close with a message from the Matriarch channeled by Veronica.

Because of the possibility of sensitive/mature subject matter and the desire to create an environment conducive to focused awareness, babies may attend; please make alternate arrangements for other children. The circle is open to all past, current, and future parents and caregivers. All races, ethnicities, genders, and orientations are welcome here.

Read my Article in 11:11 Magazine!

Did you see my article in the latest 11:11 Magazine?
Click on the Dec 2016 issue. I’m on page 32!

Koupit Cialis

2017 Eloheim Retreat at Sea


Eloheim Retreat on Princess Cruise Line

October 15-22, 2017

Featuring THREE channeling sessions!

We have a specialist handling all the cruising details!
Book your passage by clicking here

Payment for the channeling is separate.
We will have three channeling sessions
in the mornings of the 2nd

, 3rd and 7th days.
Total cost for all three channeling sessions is $200
(includes the recordings)

Price: $200.00


Amazing Summary of Recent Teachings

Day two of our recent retreat was an AMAZING summary of recent teachings!

Don’t miss this one!
Eloheim has spent the last few months teaching us how to get out of overwhelm by bringing new energy systems online.

Additionally, they have been teaching us how to access AHAs on demand by pinging the field of infinite possibilities.


Eloheim used the second day of our recent retreat to do an incredible review and a FANTASTIC expansion of this overall teaching.

I’m offering it as a stand alone purchase.


Don’t miss this! This work has revolutionized my life!!!

148 Minutes


Price: $14.99


Kauf von Ampicillin online

October, 2016

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2016 Timeline of Eloheim’s Teachings

The items on the left side (in each month) are available in the monthly packages.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July |
August | September | October | November | December

The items on the right side are available on this page



2016-03-timeline Continue Reading…



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